Thursday, September 19, 2024

Peet's Coffee Major Dickason's Blend

Peet's Coffee Major Dickason's Blend is a thin but dark roast that is surprisingly smooth. I have to admit this is really good coffee, but I like it really dark. I often use different coffee for dipping than for drinking and this is the kind of coffee I only drink black, because I like to taste my coffee. 

If you take it black this is good and black. Great stuff, would buy again. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

McDonald's Cheeseburger

It's cheeseburger day here in America, like every day isn't cheeseburger day in America, and many of you will eat a cheeseburger. This is also like every day in America. 

The McDonald's Cheeseburger has got to be one of the most consumed cheeseburgers in the world. You just got to love that burst of flavor when you bite into one. I don't know why they are so addictive, but I have always loved these things. 

I don't eat them at often to be honest but they kill me so good.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Snickers Cookie Dough

 Come on Snickers. Your Cookie Dough bites are a joke. These do kind of taste like cookie dough but they taste nothing like Snickers. Snickers cookies would be a good idea. You would need both chocolate and caramel chips with peanuts. These little mini turds don't have those things. 

I know that we live in the new flavor hell of this modern age where "oh, try this" is the thing. Even in the face of that, slapping the name of a beloved product on something that stinks just isn't right. 

These stink. 

Monday, September 16, 2024

Deli Fresh Provolone Not-Smoked

Deli Fresh is a brand name? I mean, that’s almost like naming your cheese Sliced Cheese. Anyway, there un-smoked provolone is provolone. I have always loved provolone and this was at a good price and gets the job done.  So, good job, but low bar.


Sunday, September 15, 2024

Marie Callender's Creamy Vermont Mac & Cheese Bowl

 Marie Callender's Creamy Vermont Mac & Cheese Bowl is okay. I wouldn't say good but when it's cold as my sister's heart in Vermont this would be a nice way to get something hot in your guts. I would have added some pepper or something, but this is creamy. 

It doesn't have the low quality vegetables that normal Mari Callender's frozen meals do, but it doesn't have any vegetables. My biggest complaint about this is that it's not good for you. It tastes fine, but it's not wonderful.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Jack in the Box Teriyaki Sauce

 Jack in the Box Teriyaki Sauce does not have a black belt in flavor. It is teriyaki sauce and will always be just teriyaki sauce. Is it good, well, it's teriyaki sauce. I wouldn't say it stands out in any way. I wouldn't go to Jack in the Box for it or horde it if I went there. 

It is, it is fine, it is something you should get if you like teriyaki and you go there.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Boston Market Home Style Meals Chicken Parmesan

 Boston Market Home Style Meals Chicken Parmesan as some very thin chicken. I wish I knew this chicken's secret to being that slender without buckling under your own weight. The chicken comes as a slice and looks like something that should be in a sandwich rather than as this meal.

I mean, I'm not kidding, that was one thin bit of chicken. Anyway, this was otherwise okay. Yeah, you really need to stir the noodles. If you don't they will still be cold in the middle. 

Past that, I just wanted more chicken.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Tony's Chocolonely 70% Dark Chocolate Bar

 Tony's Chocolonely 70% Dark Chocolate Bar is a dark bitter chocolate that should be enjoyed by athletes, wine lover, and those who like their chocolate free of human suffering. It is not for the common common chocolate lover who will find this too bitter. 

Tony's is one of those chocolates that is trying to make the world better but it tends to be more European  rather than American. American chocolate is far more rich and less chocolate. 

Best had with red wine and fine company.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Pop Secret Movie Theater Butter

 Pop Secret makes smaller popcorn bags than Act II so if you want less popcorn Pop Secret is a must. However, Movie Theater Butter is not a flavor I would make if I were a popcorn maker.

I mean, let's be honest here, movie theater butter is a scary yellow oil. It looks like alien piss. I almost never eat movie theater butter. At least I haven't for the last thirty years. 

Anyway, yeah, tastes like butter. I mean, it's popcorn with fake butter.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Ancient Grains Asian Quinoa Blend

 If there is one thing that kept showing up in the lunchroom when I worked at the homeless shelter it was quinoa. There was a buffet that kept making it and donating their food to us at the end of the night. The quinoa was almost never touched. 

Ancient Grains Asian Quinoa Blend found it's way to my freezer by way of a friend who said he wanted me to hold it for him. More than a year later he told me I should just eat it because he wasn't going to.  

So here I have some very old Ancient Grains Asian Quinoa Blend and it has onions in it which I don't normally eat because they can make me sick. I honestly couldn't taste them.

For what it is this is survivable. It has all the healthy colors of vegetable you would need for me to say the meal was good for you, and it didn't make me barf. I'm still going to toss the four or five bags I have into the compost because they are two years out of date but that doesn't make them bad. 

Monday, September 9, 2024

Ono Hawaiian BBQ Crab Rangoon

 Crab Rangoon, let me look up Rangoon, ah, a Rangoon is a wanton or crisp filled dumpling so Crab Rangoon is a crisp wanton with crab inside.

At Ono Hawaiian BBQ you can get Crab Rangoon is a three or six piece and I would advise you to eat them fast because they do lose there crisp in the middle with time.  This does not make them bad, far from it, I would say they were good.

I’ve never been a big crab eater as crab is a bit past my budget or at least restaurants that serve crab are the kind I rarely visit. This blog isn’t popular enough to warrant find dining. So crab isn’t something I can really say I know much about. I can say that this crab was not fishy. I would get it again but then it is a bit pricey so I probably won’t.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Smart Ones Frozen Three Cheese Ziti Marinara

 Smart Ones Frozen Three Cheese Ziti Marinara was some of the laziest frozen food I have ever had. It felt so wet and slopped together that I could hardly eat the stuff. Half of it went into the trash.


Frankly, I never understood the whole idea of more than one cheese. At least in this case the cheese all melts together and tastes like the same thing. There isn’t much of it, but I will admit the cheese to be the best part.


The sauce separated in freezing and that’s what left this a wet mess. Big red clumps of ugly tomato gack sitting on wet noodles isn’t very appetizing.


So, Fail!

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Banner Sausage

 When I saw Banner Canned Sausage I said "what the heck is this?" The answer was salty potted meat that was not homogenized. I tried cooking it on it's own which is what you see in the green dish and with eggs which is what you see in the blue dish with the eggs and omelet. 

Both ways yielded something I would call odd and salty. I would say if I had to use this stuff putting a scoop in your eggs would flavor them, salt them, and add meat. I would not recommend this but maybe I'm just eating it wrong.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Starry Lemon Lime Soda

 Starry Lemon Lime Soda is what they used to replace Sierra Mist. It both looks and tastes like a bad knock off of the last version. I would say that it's okay but has less flavor and it could be that the stuff I had was watered down some. 

I mean, I was never a big fan of Sierra Mist but this stuff is not a step up. 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Jack in the Box Spicy Chicken Strips

Jack in the Box Spicy Chicken Strips are a new offer the house of Jack and they are spicy but not great. If you don't get ranch with them they aren't very good but they do live up to their name. 

Chicken Strips in general can be a mixed bag from Jack in the Box and these are not better than the original.

Jack in the Box Yippie Kai Yum BBQ Sauce

 Jack in the Box has a lot of sauces, and I normally don’t get into them. I guess they are a shelf stable item that can really bring in the geeks because their Yippie Kai Yum BBQ sauce really kicks tail.

This is a sweeter sauce with a mesquite taste featuring garlic and maybe some sage. This is really some good stuff. I have been missing out by not trying it all these years.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Iced Pumpkin Chai Latte

The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Iced Pumpkin Chai Latte tasted like pumpkin. Not pumpkin spice. It was pumpkin flavored as if canned pumpkin was blended into the drink. 

As pumpkin goes it was fine, could have been sweeter, but it was okay. I was having a bad day and didn't finish it but if you like pumpkin this is for you. 

Doritos Minis Tortilla Chips Cool Ranch

 Doritos Minis Tortilla Chips sound like a great idea. You can ship more of them. They are easy to store and shelve. You can reseal the pack easily. The Cool Ranch flavor is just like the larger chip. 

The only problem is that they are small and more like the chips left at the bottom of the bag than the normal Doritos you get. I guess stacking the chips would have been to hard but this is just like you took a bag and crunched it up to fit in a Pringles box. 

That's not my thing, but you do you.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Boston Market Beef Steak & Pasta

 Boston Market Beef Steak & Pasta was the worst of the Home Style Meals I've had. Mostly the onions bothered me, but the meat wasn't good quality and the meat is poorly balanced to start with. 

This is one of those foods that looks great but really isn't very good. Remember that if you do eat it you will need some kind of fiber. I eat these for lunch at work so I'd need to bring raw vegetables or fruit. 

Monday, September 2, 2024

Jelly Belly Blueberry Jelly Beans

 Jelly Belly Blueberry Jelly Beans aren't big on flavor but then are blueberries? These don't offend me at all but they don't taste like something I would want more of. If I were a kid and sugar was sugar I would love these, but I'm not.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Smucker's Uncrustables Chocolate Flavored Hazelnut Spread Sandwich

 Smucker's Uncrustables Chocolate Flavored Hazelnut Spread Sandwich would normally lose me at the 'flavored', but they were on sale and I'm a sucker for a sale. Chocolate flavored is not chocolate! Anyway, they taste like chocolate.

Were it not for them being very bad for you I would say that these are okay but to be honest this is just another kind of chocolate filled cookie that you shouldn't eat unless you're trying to get fat.  

That isn't to say I didn't like them but more that they needed to be more than just dead calories.