Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Banquet Chicken Strips Meal

 Banquet Chicken Strips Meal has some of the most 'not chicken' I've ever tasted. I mean, I think it was chicken paste at some point which is not at all what it looks like on the box. 

This is food for the poor sad and lonely and more or less something they would feed to the children that they didn't want. I ate a lot of these sorts of things when I was a kid and I paid for it in constipation. 

My mother, lord rest her, was not much of a cook even if she tried very hard to be a good one. 

For a grown human, I would say you need to add some vegetables to this or it just won't fill you up. Now, that could be because I'm an all consuming blob or it could be because these just aren't enough for a grown man.

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