Monday, April 24, 2023

Banquet Chicken Fingers with Mac & Cheese

 Stretching the boundaries of what should be called chicken, Banquet Chicken Fingers with Mac & Cheese is small sad and hard to make. There is a good deal more to this than drop it in the microwave and hit start. 

Then I should point out that this meal is very small. I mean, maybe it would work for a five year old. It does get points for being one serving of protein and one serving of starch. If you just add three servings of vegetables as I have you may have a good meal.  

That is assuming a good meal can have flavorless mac & cheese with chicken flavored spongy stuff. I mean, back in the day I used to get these chicken patties that everyone called "Richard's prosthetic chicken" and you had to cook the heck out of them to make them good. These things make McNuggets  taste real. 

The up side is that I got these at The Dollar Tree, and they were only like a buck twenty five. 


  1. Uh, Chickens don't have fingers- and if they did, they'd be really tiny and boney. 😄 I love it when they take mechanically separated chicken (believe me, you don't want to know) or "pink sludge" (again, you don't want to know) and invent chicken body parts that don't exist

  2. OOPS, Pink Sludge is a delicious beef product- not poultry. 😝
