Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Quaker Instant Grits Red Eye Gravy & Country Ham

Quaker Instant Grits Red Eye Gravy & Country Ham is a product that comes with a lot of five star reviews but for me it was just very salty. I always thought of grits as a plain kind of food.

Maybe all that salt is why the pacts are so small. They would add flavor to a dull breakfast, but what you see here is three pacts in one cup. 

I guess this just isn't something I would eat. Never been a big fan of grits, and I've never had them this way before. I just can't recommend this product. 

1 comment:

  1. These grits are HORRIBLE! If these packets of "just add water" instant grits were my only exposure to grits, I wouldn't like grits either! As a Southerner who has been cooking and eating grits all of his life, I can tell you that if you are not willing to deal with a pot of boiling water, salt, milk, butter and some good stone ground grits, you shouldn't even bother with making grits- and this is just for basic, plain grits.

    Here in the South, we regard instant grits as grits for the rest of the country, not us. (Although, some of the best grits based dishes I've ever eaten were Jamaican grits dishes that I had when I lived in New York.) Let me cook you some Shrimp and Grits or Fish and Grits, then you can tell me you don't like grits! 😋
