Monday, July 8, 2019

Pioneer Chicken Spicy Rice

If you're in Bell Gardens or LA you may just decide to take in some local color from Pioneer Chicken. It was once all over Southern California but is now down to just two establishments. 

If you do walk in you may think that rather than the old french fries you may want some spicy rice. Well, that would be a great idea because the rice is spicy enough to be called spicy and is full of flavor and chunks of chicken. 

I have to admit I started crying when I was eating this but then I think it's because I was thinking of my late mother who was the last person to take me to Pioneer Chicken as a boy.  Time is a real pain in the tail.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a poignant and personal review. It was stuff like this that made me feel so bad for you, and nearly fall in love with you. 🥺
