Friday, March 8, 2019

On-Cor Lasagna with Meat Sauce

The epic nature of the fail that comes with this On-Cor Lasagna with Meat Sauce is hard for me to wrap my head around. It looks nothing like the picture and isn't even the right color. 

There is almost no meat in this meat sauce and the cheese is also in short supply.  I mean, why eat lasagna if you're going to leave out the best parts?


  1. Meat sauce does not technically have to contain any meat. It is used in the cooking of the sauce for flavor.

  2. I tried this product a few days ago, and it was terrible. Like a pasta version of a burrito. Just about any other brand frozen lasagna is better. The picture on the box looks delicious, but the contents inside is the opposite. It was like some lasagna pasta with gravy poured over it. And a little cheese.

    Total rip-off, I don't care how cheap it is. If I got it for free, I would have felt scammed. Or punk'd... That's it. Serve this to your friends as a practical joke. Everyone will laugh as long as you serve them something decent after.

  3. I agree & would not recommend due to the poor taste and unappealing appearance.
