Saturday, June 15, 2024

McDonald’s Big Mac

 Is there anything more iconic than a Big Mac from McDonald’s? Two patties, three bun like things, a slop of lettuce that gets everywhere and that special sauce. It’s not thousand island, it’s special, and you should really feel special if you eat one of these when there is In ‘N Out in the world.

So, a Big Mac has gotten smaller and smaller over the years, and I’m not impressed. There are a good many better hamburgers out there, and the double-double puts these to shame. To add insult to injury the last two or three of these I’ve had were made wrong, I can’t have onion, and I almost never have this problem at In ‘N Out.

The Big Mac is kind of like America, it was a big thing in it’s day but now is sliding back, being made cheaper, and not as impressive at  it once was.

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