Saturday, December 18, 2021

Reese's Cookie Skillet Kit

I can't help but think that whoever came up with this idea had iron skillets sitting about because it's a hell of a lot of work for one cookie like thing. The Reese's Cookie Skillet Kit has a real iron skillet that needs to be cured before used. That means being washed and then cured in an oven for several hours. They recommend curing two or three times. 

Once you cooked the crap out of the skillet you may make your cookie, but you need a spoon of egg. They couldn't just put the egg in there and make it so you just need water, no that would be too easy. 

Then, after a day of work, you can now cook the cookie which tastes like nothing and is more like a pancake. Then you have an iron skillet sitting around that is just small enough to cook one egg. 

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