Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Bryan Sweet Hickory Smoked Bacon

 Bryan Sweet Hickory Smoked Bacon tastes like Bacon. I don't taste any Bryan at all and the sweet hickory is undetectable. Then again, what does Bryan taste like? I mean, have you ever eaten a Bryan, because I haven't.

I still don't taste any hickory. I at least know what that tastes like. That leaves this at just tasting like bacon and most people like bacon so I'm not sure adding flavors to bacon is the right thing to do. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You're curious about how Bryan taste? Well, I would say that he tasted like mildly sweet and peppery Asparagus. When I knew him he drank a couple of diet soda everyday, so that would account for the sweetness. The peppery notes probably were caused by his diet or his medications (for diabetes and high blood pressure). But I really loved swallowing for him anyway!!! 😜
