Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Smart Ones Angel Hair Pasta Marinara

Smart Ones Angel Hair Pasta Marinara is edible. I would not go as far as to say that it’s great, but I would definitely say edible. The marinara is on the side so you can mix in as much or as little as you want without issue.

In a world where I often put more of these frozen dinners in the trash than I eat this one isn’t too bad. I wouldn’t get it again, but it didn’t make me sick. 


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Trader Joe's Organic Maple Butter

Trader Joe's Organic Maple Butter is no longer on offer from what I understand, and it's a much missed product. I'm not sure why, but I left this in the back of my fridge for the longest time.

Maple Butter as a concept doesn't go bad. It's like sugar or honey.  What you have is super thick maple syrup that will drip all over and would be better on toast than the bagel I used. 

All and all, if you love real maple then this is a fine thing to have and if maple isn't a major thing for you than this will fall short. If Trader Joe's brings it back you should talk up because it doesn't go bad. 

Monday, March 3, 2025

Sonic Ranch Dressing

 Sonic's Ranch Dressing is passable. It isn't good and I had no idea there was so lack luster ranch dressing until I tried this because I almost never eat ranch. I didn't order ranch and it was extra so I didn't want ranch but the girl at Sonic gave me ranch so I tried it and wasn't impressed. 

If you're at Sonic you may need this ranch to eat their trash chicken but as ranch goes this is just a sad version of a better product. 

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Oscar Mayer Natural Slow Roasted Turkey Breast

Oscar Mayer Natural Slow Roasted Turkey Breast was on sale and so I got some to feed to my cats. They loved it. I mean they had a ball eating it frozen. 

I didn't freeze mine but it was that odd soft lunch meat that is just strong enough so that it does not come apart before it gets in the bread. 

Solid product, makes cat's happy. What more could you want. 

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Campbell's Chunky New England Clam Chowder

 I have never understood clam chowder nor how it can be New England. I don't know what makes one different from the other, but I guess if I read up on it more I would find out. The  idea of eating clams in and of itself is lost on me as they are the water filter for the ocean and full of things that other things poop out. 

Thus, Campbell's Chunky New England Clam Chowder left an odd taste in my mouth. Don't get me wrong, we eat vegetables which are fed off the poop of other animals so clams aren't abnormally poop filled. I just never saw why we eat them.

I guess you could say that this stuff is mostly potato chowder with the clam being sprinkled in. It hasn't much flavor and is, as I often say, unoffensive. 

It's food like this that makes me ask, 'what is it that I'm looking for in a canned soup?' I mean, really, what should I be saying about this stuff?