There is no chocolate in these Reese's White Peanut Butter Eggs. No coco butter or anything related to chocolate at all. I'll grant that it does not say that there is any chocolate, but this is a Hershey product and these addictive little buggers are made of things you shouldn't put in your body. Why do you kill me so good!
If you eat one of these Lindt lindor Eggs on a hot day it will make a pooping sound. These things are a bad idea with an air bubble to save on that glop they call filling. The good old cream eggs have nothing to worry about with this contender.
Reester Bunnies a kind of like other Reese's things only with less peanut butter. If you wanted a Reester for Easter then you need to know that the good old peanut butter cup kicks this thing's tail.
Cadbury Caramel Eggs are what they sound like. Chocolate filled with caramel to make one of the best Easter treats on the market. They kill me so good.
With all the not English on the pack it's hard for me to figure out what these are I think the flavor is Berries & Creme and the brand is Bon Sole or Bon Appetit. Now these things are made in Vernon California so don't go thinking they're all that French. However, they have the distinction of being different and good so I will say you should try them for their unique, kind of fruity, flavor.
1/4 Pound First Street Ground Beef Patties are not what I'm used to when it comes to beef. These are so lean that you need to ad oil to the pan to cook them but they do shrink as they get done so that's normal. Now, they do taste like hockey pucks so keep that in mind if you pick these up and flavor them with something.
Mtn Dew Ice Lemon Line soda is sprite with caffeine. This is a horrible idea, because then people will not know how drunk they are and drive home. Don't drink and drive folks, but college students will definitely want to get some of this for finals week.
The 'Firehouse Hero' is a beefy thing with roast beef, smoked turkey(not like the turkeys running this country), Virginia Honey ham, and Provolone cheese. You definitely don't want anti-Volone cheese do you? I mean, we're all about the Volone now days. Anyway, I have to say this is a lot of sandwich and a good classic combination. I will get this again.
Firehouse Subs Cherry Lime-Aid is a blood colored substance you can get from the soda fountain at Firehouse Subs. It's some funny dark stuff and drinking it was a new experience. I can't say it wowed me but I will say that it was a change from the humdrum of normal sodas and a welcome change at that.
Miss Vickie's Smokehouse BBQ Kettle Cooked Potato Chips are crisp and strong but not as sweet as other BBQ chips I've had. I think that's because they're thicker. If you're hoping for a potato product that will blow your mind you're crazy and should look into professional help. If you're looking for some solid chips that aren't too bad for you look no further. They have more potassium than sodium so good job.
For those of you who like hummus but think it's on the boring side you can try Sabra Roasted Garlic Hummus. This hummus is very garlicky and almost overpowering to the carrots I ate it with. I buy this all the time.
Juicy Whip 'Rica Horchata' is a fountain drink I ran into at Mr. Giant in Uptown Whittier California and I will say this was creamy for being lactose free and made with all natural flavors. I know I'll be less happy if I see the nutritional facts on this stuff but for a good deviation from the common cola this is a great change. I don't think it's all that carbonated, but look at those bubbles.
On historic Whittier Boulevard in Whittier's historic uptown you can find 'Mr. Giant' a small Mexican diner that serves this burrito. This is their California Burrito with Beef and Red Sauce to be clear and its stuffed with Beef, rice, beans, french fries, and the like. This has onion in it and where as normally onions make me sick these onions were sweet and mild. I have to say I will be trying other things at Mr. Giant but I recommended this to people because it's a good deal and good food.
So, Kerrygold Superior Irish Cream Liqueur is not so superior to Bailye's witch is the golden standard of Irish Cream. It's almost as good and I think it's cheaper. This Irish Cream has chocolate and whisky making it a smooth kind of drink that went fast in my house but then Irish Cream never lasts long. All and all, if you get this for St. Patrick's day you will do just fine.
It turns out that Corned Beef has nothing to do with corn. The tradition was that they used 'salt corns' which are big bits of salt to make this chewy meat last long. Beef Brisket is a miserable lump of fatty gristly meat that takes a long time to cook. First Street Corned Beef Brisket is a salty version of that which takes forever to cook. I don't mind cooking for a long time but you need to know that going in. This meat is sure to still be around and discounted after St. Patrick's day. Cheap beef is a good buy if you like cooking.
In West Covina California by the Edwards 18 there is Anna's Pizza. Oddly, Anna's Pizza is best known for their Meatball Subs which have a lot less sauce than normal meatball subs but are served toasted and hot. Now Grandma from Sicily would not be impressed because Sicilians like more herbs in their sauce. I, on the other hand, have been craving this thing since I had one, and will have another some time soon. I don't know what it is about these, but they are great.
Woodstock Hot Licks Bourbon & Cinnamon showed up at my local grocery and I figured I'd give it a try. The flavor is mild and sweet. I think this stuff is more for sipping and shots than mixing. Not bad stuff but if you're going to mix look else where.
Jimmy Dean Biscuit Sausage, Egg & Cheese Sandwich are small sandwiches made with little interest in grammar. It's hard to believe these are a whole 410 Calories given that i think I could eat eight of them in one sitting. If you eat one of these like I did with vegetables and fruit it's not that bad for you but be sure to cook them longer than the 90 second that the package suggests. Eating these little things will kill you but what won't now days?
My bill at Stand Up Taco listed this as a 'Jamaica'. It was some fruity thing that even with all that ice never got properly cold and wasn't that great. I think it had Hibiscus in it, but I could tell from the flavor. I would not get this again. It's just not that great.
I find it hard to imagine anything that would be less settling than your tacos standing up and looking at you before you eat them. None the less, that is the image I was greeted with when I decided to try 'Stand Up Tacos'. Then I ordered the Flautas and was informed that I had wandered in after closing time, and that I would need to take my meal to go. Under that mess of vegetables are four beef Flautas. They are passable but bland. This didn't come with a fork so I guess they wanted me to eat the vegetables with my hands.
In Ontario California there is a Titan Burgers, and if you go there these chili cheese fries may be yours. Now, I can't say these are great, they are big and a bit more spicy than other offering of this nature. The only big negative I have to point out is that the fries just weren't crisp. All in all, get this if you're hungry because it's big.
If you happen to be in Ontario California you may get hungry and happen by 'Titan Burger' and you can get yourself an 'Atlas Burger'. The 'Atlas Burger' is a double burger with avocado and bacon. This thing is massive. I hadn't eaten in eight hours and was coming off a job interview when I had this and it was hard to finish. Now they say hunger is the best spice, well, this was a good burger, but I have had better. I mark it a buy.
Vermeer Mint Chocolate Cream is, well, Mint Chocolate Cream Liqueur. This is a rich alcohol made for sipping that I wouldn't drink as is. That is not to say it's bad. It's very good for the price. I added coffee to this to thin it some, but I'll call it a buy. Good stuff.
When I first saw Langers Gourmet Vanilla Cream Soda I did a double take because Langers doesn't normally sell soda. After trying this I can see why. This soda was flat and had stuff floating in the bottom of the bottle. It tasted like nothing worth remembering. I think you need to be drinking some nasty alcohol to have it with this stuff. Blah
If you've had a drink or two at Maggie's Pub in Santa Fe Springs California you probably haven't room for dessert. The only thing is that you can bring your kids to Maggie's because it's a pub and not a bar so they may want to have some cake as you finish your beer and sober up to drive. Don't drink and drive. Well, you may just get your kid some Triple Chocolate Torte with Vanilla Ice Cream. I would say that if you want to eat this yourself you need to let it sit a spell for the ice cream to soften. It will however take your kid some time to wrestle with that frozen ice cream. The cake was on the dry side, and so that's why you want the ice cream soft.
There is little to say about the cottage cheese at Maggie's Pub in Santa Fe Springs California. It's on the menu and so I need to review the stuff, but I didn't finish it because I was saving room for dessert. Well, if you like cottage cheese then go for it but know that most meals come with coleslaw and if you don't like coleslaw you can get this instead.
Molly Malone was a silent film actress and also a song that is the anthem of Dublin Ireland. As the song features a Molly Malone who was a fish monger who carted Cockles and Mussels to sale I have to ask why roast beef? She was the most attractive woman in town but died of fever, and so her ghost roams Dublin still selling Cockles and Mussels. Some how Maggie's Pub in Santa Fe Springs California has taken this maid and made it into a roast beef sandwich that you now see before you. The Molly Malone comes with Cheddar cheese, tomatoes, and mayo, but I got it without mayo because I don't like mayo. If you're feeling Irish you should have one of these with a nice dark beer and shed a tear or to for the ghost of Molly Malone. How was the sandwich? Well, could have used some mustered.
Lancashire Cheese Sticks are an afternoon tea time delight at Maggie's Pub in Santa Fe Springs California. These are kind of like deep fried potato perogies. The cheese is very secondary to the potatoes. I remember having these years ago and having them again was a great treat. What I didn't remember was that these are hot and stay hot for a long time so you can burn your mouth on them. These things are heavy and designed to let a fellow keep drinking without getting totally smashed. So, have these with a nice cold beer and you'll be in heaven.
If you happen into Maggie's Pub in Santa Fe Springs California on a Monday, and want to get a very Irish experience, you can get some Corned Beef and Cabbage. I believe Corned Beef and Cabbage is a great way to get over a hangover so I'd have to figure it would be a Monday food. Why they only serve it on a Monday I couldn't say, but you have to figure that who the heck goes to a pub for soup? If I wasn't liking to try everything on the menu I would have never ordered this. That said it was okay, I mean, it will protect you from a hangover if you intend to do some real drinking, it was hydrating, but a little bland.
Who goes in a pub and askeds for water? Me! and now I'm going to talk about that water which was cool and crisp. Look, I'm a designated driver and water is a big thing for me. If you need to drive and your fat like me so you don't want soda this is okay stuff. Could use some lemon.