La Colombe Coffee Peppermint Mocha Draft Latteis a coffee drink for those of us who don't like too much flavor. It is very mild, goes well with vodka, and has a slightly bitter after taste.
My big problem with it is that it is not very coffee. I mint, I like coffee and the mind thing is just in time for Christmas, but where is all the coffee flavor? It's like drinking and Andie's mint mixed with milk.
Lofthouse Delicious Cookies Swirled Frosted Pumpkin Pie Sugar Cookies have one of those names that make me want to punch someone in the face. I hate these long names really.
As far as the cookies go they are better than most Lofthouse Swirled cookies. However, they are full of stuff I can't pronounce so they kill me so good.
Melissa's Baby Purple Potatoes are, um, potatoes. Hmmm,what do you say about potatoes? I mean, they come out okay and cook up well. If you can get your hands on these they are good for you. I mean, yeah, these are good little potatoes.
Fatburger's Chili Cheese Fat Fries are hard to eat and flavor wise underwhelming. I mean, just looking at these things makes me hungry, but they're kind of bland. I can tell you that these things get everywhere, but I haven't tried the thin fries yet so I don't know if those are better.
All in all, I wouldn't go getting these, because you can get a really big burger so why get these. These are okay, but not great.
For about eight months of my life I passed a Fatburger on the way to work every day and never when in. The other day I was feeling bad and had to take time off work so I said "well, today is the day." I can't say I was all that impressed with this 1/3 pound of beef. As burgers go it was okay. I would eat it again, but I'm going to try a bigger one next time.
Monster Hydro Manic Melon was at the dollar store for good reason. That is that these things just got no kick to them. I mean, they don't work as well as the real deal and so drinking them may disappoint.
The Hydro label is monster watered down and if they don't come in a bigger...much bigger bottle your not getting the same thing.
Thomas Bagels Pumpkin Spice are a strange disappointment. I didn't know what I was expecting but I know is wasn't these rather bland bagels. I can't taste the pumpkin spice at all and you can only really put sweet things on them or eat them plain.
Normal bagels work just as well so only get these if they are on sale.
Pumpkin spice is a flavor of fall and so what could be better than to ad that to chocolate? Well M&M's White Pumpkin Pie are white chocolate so they don't taste right to start with.
Are these bad? No. Are they good? No, not really. They exist in a some people will like these and some will not and I don't like them. They would be better with milk chocolate.
Now Artesano has a Brioche which is a bread made with more butter and egg. I didn't know that, I looked it up because knowing that would make me a little more, um, well, never mind.
Anyway, this is some nice soft bread. It's basically white bread. I would say it's a little nicer than white bread, but still just white bread. That means it's bad for you if you don't know.
Bread that is good for you has less sugar and more fiber and this has almost no fiber and three grams of sugar. I have to stay clear of this, because I'm already fat as a Christmas ham.
Costco Eco Straw is the new thing that is going to stop killing see life. I have to point out that it changes the flavor of whatever you're drinking so it's not much of an improvement. I'm going to drink my soda out of the cup without using these straws.
Is it me or does 'Perky Jerky' just sound wrong? I mean, 'did you see Sarah in those booty shorts last night? She just walked by, and I was all Perky Jerky.'
Anyway, the Beef Stick variety is for those who like to think they have a dong in their mouth as they kill themselves with salt.
I'm sorry to admit that I tried this, and I hated it all the way. I don't like it when I bite into jerky and it drips.
KahlenBerg Oat Cookies with Blackcurrant may just find themselves by your fire waiting for Santa. You'll do better with beer and a dirty magazine. Trust me on this one my old man was Santa.
He won't be totally disappointed with these cookies which taste as if they were toasted and right from the oven.
Tony's Chocolonely is the kind of chocolate you eat because you don't like slavery. Yes, that is a kind of chocolate. I had no idea that chocolate was mixed with slavery but I don't like slavery and I do like chocolate. I shouldn't eat chocolate so the slavery free kind is my bag.
Milk Chocolate Hazelnut totally kicks ass, and I have to say I could eat these all day if I cold afford them. Expensive things they are.
Dickinson's Lime Curd tastes like the lime hard candy that an old man used to have on his coffee table when I came over to see his as a child. The flavor brings back memories. It's good stuff, if you like lime, and it makes me feel, well, old. Not bad, not bad at all.
Bubly Sparkling Water Blackberry Bubly really tastes like chemically fertilized blackberries. I don't know why you would even want to flavor water like this, but here it is, and it's okay.
This is not the best sparkling water I've had this week, but it's far from the worst.
Chillycow Mint Dark Chocolate Chip is ice cream that gets hard in the freezer and so is hard to eat. It's not as good as normal ice cream, but it will make you less fat...then again, if all ice cream tasted like this it would have little ability to make people fat because no one would want to eat it any more.
Duncan Hines Perfect Size for 1 Chocolate Lovers Cake has a long and annoying name. Past that it is a serviceable cake for chocolate lovers. I have to point out that whoever this one is that these are a perfect size for they are a good deal smaller than I am and one of these packets looks to be too small for almost every cup I own. Eating one of these will almost certainly leave you wanting more cake. Then again, if you're fat like me everyone thinks you always want more cake.
Chocolade Chocolate & Wine Whipped Cream is Holland's version of Irish Cream. It can be used as an Ice Cream topper or as a coffee creamers if you like your coffee hard.
I find it to be too rich to drink on it's own but you can serve it over ice as I do.
Over all, I call this a buy if you can get it for a good price. It's like good Irish Cream so buy accordingly.
Ramune Mabel Soda Grape is flat grape soda with a marble that you can choke on but you can't because it won't come out of the bottle. I think that's good, I mean, that I can't choke on this bad soda.
Man Cave Craft Eats Bratwurst Root Beer are really good sausages. I mean, they don't taste like root beer to me, but they taste great with lots of flavor. I baked these in the oven for an hour and a half with some rice and they came out really great.
I like to meet the pile of stupid that came up with Dasani Sparkling Raspberry Lemonade and make him drink his own crap. This metallic tasting crap have a very soap like flavor that goes with the abnormal about of suds it comes with.
What you have here is two flavors that should be offset by sugar that don't have any making this just nasty. Total fail, why do they make this crap? Who are the torturing?
Galaxy Burgers Zucchini is a plate of deep fried zucchini that looks like fries and taste bland, but then you know you only get these to put ranch on. Not bad stuff, I'd get it again, but it's too much for one person.
I walked into my local Subway to find this Green Eggs and Ham Sandwich. The girl at the counter told me that no one had ordered one yet, but it had been around since Halloween. Me being a blogger I had to try one and I have to say they stink. Well, they put your mouth to sleep they are so bland.
First off, the only vegetables you're supposed to get with these are tomatoes and spinach. Secondly, that egg is just funny colored and tastes like egg. After that, I had them add pepper and it didn't help with the bland of this fun concept.
The start flavor of COCO Fuzion 100 Natural Sparkling Coconut Water Raspberry makes it something you sip rather than gulp. This is not a flavor for us over sugared Americans but more of something for a nature lover. I find these refreshing and when I got the first batch I went back to the store after trying them and got more.
I'm not a big fan of the raspberry, but it has a flavor that would go very well with the right tea.
Man Cave makes some great Bratwurst, but you need to be ready for these Bacon, Beer & Cheddar Cheese variety with some more beer to cut the fat. I mean, these are the heaviest bratwurst I've ever eaten.
I never did care for cheese in sausage because it takes longer to cook. The bacon aspect is sum what lost as well given that you can't crisp bacon in a sausage.
If you want something different this will fit the bill, but I have had better things by Man Cave.
I'll try most things Snickers so my first time at a Dairy Queen the Snickers Blizzard was my natural choice. I was unimpressed. The caramel get stuck in your teeth. I mean, it's fine, but not enough Snickers to make it worth eating. Add some peanuts or something will you.
Angels weep when you eat Marketside Iced Sugar Cookies without a cup of coffee. These are a little on the dry side without but ten times better with coffee. Then again, they have enough calories to be a full meal so I would only eat them if you are very active.
Pizza Hut's P'Zone sounds like something out of crazy Sci Fi pornography but it's like a pizza wrapped up so that all the oil stays inside until you bite into it.
All and all, these things are good for the price but a little bit of a mess. It doesn't help that most Pizza Huts no longer have seats to sit in as you eat.
Greenfield Natural Meat Co. Uncured Pepperoni Pizza Lunch Kit is a lunchable like object that you can pick up. There is more cheese and pepperoni than you can really get on the, um, crust. The sauce is not that great, but you need it or the whole thing will be dry.
If you can get past the uncouth nature of scarfing the leftover cheese when you're done then these are a win. If you can't then don't buy them because you shouldn't let cheese go to waste.
Good old fashion corn on the cob is one of those things you eat without thinking about. I found some of this going to be tossed away on the job and took about six of them home. I then cooked them in the oven at 350 for half an hour and then you have the easiest snack you ever put in the oven.
The thing about Nut Pods unsweetened dairy free creamers is that the Nut Pod is stronger in flavor than the pumpkin spice making this a fail that lives on what sugar you put in it. I could hardly taste the stuff myself.