I may have already Reviewed Trader Joe's House Blend Dark Roast Coffee, but if you're reading this on New Year's Eve you can't possibly care because you'll soon be to drunk to notice. In any case, this is a strong coffee that fits for waking you up after that night of drinking and getting you off to work even with that hangover. Don't try drinking pickle juice. I mean, really, have a coffee, a tomato juice, and some eggs. That will get you through.
This here is a Hacienda Heights Pizza Co. Mega Meat 20 inch pizza it can fill up about 700 pounds of man. I have to say this was a great pizza with chewy crust and all the meat you need to counteract a hangover. So, if you'r having your last blast tonight and need something to keep the morning 'why did I do that last night's a way then this is a good buy. I'd order in advance for the holidays.
Pizza Co. Cheese Bread is a filler if you didn't get enough Pizza. Why you would want it I don't know, but I guess it comes sooner rather than later. Wait for the Pizza.
Explore Cuisine Organic Black Bean Spaghetti is loaded with potassium, fiber, and protein. Oddly, it has a great texture for black bean pasta and is basically as good or better than normal pasta. I should get more of this stuff.
Fence Line Farm Hot Italian Style Uncured Cooked Chicken Sausage are a reasonably spice addition to my table. I cannot say these are hot enough to be used as a major sores of flavor, but they are strong enough to do the job. These things are about as healthy as sausage is going to be so long as it's made of meat and salt. That's kind of what sausage is made of. I will note that the ingredients are things that I've heard of and can get at the store. So, well, good job.
The Rumiano Cheese Company isn't big on putting it's name on this California Premium Organic Monterey Jack Cheese. I can't see why, this is good cheese. It has a sharp flavor that is both unoffensive but strong enough to be present on a mild sandwich. I will say that this would be overwhelmed by even normal yellow mustered. Then I think that's just Monterey Jack Cheese.
Walkers Pure Butter Shortbread Festive Shapes are an attempt to be Christmas without using the word so that folks will by them by mistake. "Festive Shapes", really, why does that pear have a face? In any case, if you absolutely need cookies in your life these will fill the bill but they are more about what you dip them in than what they are made of.
If you were hoping to add some spice to your holiday with Trader Joe's Gingerbread Coffee you'll need to do so with a great deal of sugar or hard eggnog because this is a poorly conceived brew that has little resemblance to the food of its namesake. The ginger is dull and tastes chemical in nature and the other spices are undetectable. Give this a pass or sugar the hell out of it.
Renaissance Black Forest Ham is okay. It's everything that I expect from a black forest ham. That isn't all that much. I have to say that I don't have high expectations for black forest ham. We do so much do make ham feel better even as it has been the meat of the poor since the early days of the United States. I honestly think Black Forest Ham is just a fancy name for ham. That said, I ate this stuff so fast that it didn't have time to get gamy in my refrigerator. I can't argue, it's good stuff.
Tina's Bean and Cheese Burritos are not bean and cheese burritos. They are bean burritos, because I can't taste any cheese in there. You really need to add some flavor to these because they are rather bland. I will also need to point out that there were uncooked bean fragments in these that you wind up chewing on. All and all, these are the bean equivalent of white bread. Could be they have a good amount of fiber but these will keep you alive rather than make you feel satisfied. We should send these to starving people.
Hacienda Heights Pizza Co.'s Cheese Bread is boring. It has almost nothing worth talking about. The big thing to understand is that if you're going to Hacienda Heights Pizza Co. they have big pizzas that taste great and this cheese bread is just something to have to fill you up so you can eat less pizza. I mean, why?
Ball Park Hot Dog Buns are an American favorite...let's not forget that this is an America that elected a giant orange Muppet president. I don't trust this America dude. He makes bad decisions.
These Ball Park Hot Dog Buns are small and white. The hot dog doesn't fit in them well and the condiments go spilling out of them when you try to eat them. I will say that these are not wholly without redeeming qualities. They do have Calcium and Iron. Nutrients are a good thing, but I look these buns like I look at the current United States Government. I mean, I know we need one but can't we do a little better?
Pop Tarts Dunkin' Donuts Chocolate Mocha are a brand merger that makes about as much sense as one of the President's speeches. How lazy do you need to be to have pop tarts over doughnuts? In any case, these are great for dunking if you can get over the whole 'why am I not having doughnuts' thing. They tastes mostly like hot fudge pop tarts with a little of a coffee flavor which is useless when you dunk them in coffee. I don't know, I mean, I could take them or leave them.
Oroweat Whole Grain 100% Whole Wheat Hamburger Buns have a very long annoying name. Come on, Oroweat, did you need to put whole grain and whole wheat in the name. In any case, these need to be toasted for best consumption and they are more flavorful and more hearty than normal buns. I will admit that 5 grams of fiber and 9 grams of protein are good numbers. These are not as soft as normal buns so we pansy Americans may not like them all that much.
Bear Naked Cereal Sweet Honey Clusters has got to be okay for you because I can't taste the honey. This is not a bad thing but more a, well, 'don't sugar yourself to death' thing. If you want me to tell you this is good cereal I can't say it's top of my list but then I'm not big on cereal. Mix this with your oatmeal and it will become more palatable. All and all, not a bad buy.
I was dining with a friend at Pho Whittier when he insisted I try some of his Pho Dac Biet. This is a soup of many meats with a strong cilantro flavor. I'm not big on tendon or tripe which are both in this soup. For that reason I would never order this on my own, but if I were served it at the Gulag I wouldn't be upset. That is to say, this is good food that simply doesn't appeal to me because of my Hebrew roots. My loss is your gain. It's cold outside. Have some of this stuff to warm up.
Perry's Ice Cream Pumpkin Spice Latte is what you get when you forget the pumpkin spice. I mean it, I couldn't taste any pumpkin spice in this stuff. There was caramel and the coffee flavor was just too mild. How do you fail ice cream!
Rick's Drive in and out Fries are fries. I'm reviewing them because I review everything, but there is very little to review. They are not good or bad, just simply they exist.
Raybern's Pizza Supreme is the best super lazy sandwich I've ever had. . . how many super lazy sandwiches have I had? At least a dozen. In any case, I had one of these and then less then two ours later had the other one. That means you should never buy them because you'll never stop eating them. These are bad for you at 700 calories a sandwich and a good amount of that is fat. I don't even want to think about the salt.
Fence Line Farms Three Cheese Uncured Cooked Chicken Sausages are disgusting. Cheese may be fine on a sausage but it is not fine in a sausage. The result is a hard to cook link that gets slimy inside. Now I will grant that these are individualy rapped and easy to open. They keep well, and last a long time, but that doesn't make up for the tasteless gloppy nature and the pain in your gut after eating these. What these need are more herbs and less cheese. That said, I got another flavor of these so I'll try them soon.
GALSHOT Energy Shot is an energy shot for the casual user. For a crazy fellow like me who weighs 25 stone and takes these often it will have very little impact, but it will do something.
Kellogg's Special K Pastry Crisps Red Velvet is a long name for chocolate biscuits. That's what these are, that's all red velvet is, chocolate and red food coloring. In any case, I got to boxes of these and they are okay. I wouldn't expect them to satiate your hunger. Have an apple before you eat one of these...may be just have the apple and eat one of these only when you really deserve a treat.
I could hear the salt crunching in my teeth as I ate Little Beijing rice noodles. They tasted like old fish. I mean, what the...I think I just got some bad noodles.
Calina's Original Pizza Deluxe Pepperoni, Beef, Italian Sausage Piroshki are about as good as their chicken counterparts but will linger longer on your breath. Now, I'm 25 stone so I have two of these with a pound of vegetables. I heat them first in the microwave then put them in the oven for 15 minutes to get them crisp. All in all these are an okay and fast food that can be had with a balanced diet.
Town House Pita Sea Salt are the most basic chips you can get. The only thing you can take away from these is the salt. Well, chips are for dipping so they do their job.
Kirkland Signature 100% Colombian Coffee is a robust dark coffee that get's you up in the morning. The only big thing is that I don't know if it is responsibly sourced and I think they can't grow enough food to feed the people in Colombia. Makes me think as I drink my coffee.
Krusteaz Blueberry Waffles are a thing I would never intentionally buy. I got these by accident. I'm not a big fan of blueberries. That said you don't notice the blueberries so why have blueberry waffles. I mean, look, I don't like raisin cookies but if you're buying them it has to be because you like raisins, no? I mean, be what you tell the world you are and all.
Centrella Mixed Vegetables is a pack of vegetables that comes with Lima Beans. Lima Beans are a big thing for me and given that I will eat a whole pound of these vegetables in one meal they are a big part of my buying these things. What ever happened to getting Lima beans in a bag. Anyway, these have salt so they are not as good as they can be, but they have Lima Beans so that makes up for it to me.
Pho Whittier Number 78 Bun Ga Nuong, Tom Nuong Cha Gio is a dish on Vermicelli noodles and brimming with all kinds of food. I had no idea this would be so filling but it was hard to finish, because of all that Vermicelli and vegetables. I Could have done without those onions, but then I don't like onions. Over all, great meal.
Steak-Eze Cheeseburgers are one of those things you buy because you don't have a lot of time to cook. As you can see the burger on the box is very little like the one that comes out of your microwave. Are these bad for you, yeah, but mostly if that's all you eat. You should stay clear of those kinds of things if you can, but if you can't make sure to have these with vegetables. The Vegetables will keep the business flowing in your guts. After that, I thought these were fine.
The Habit Burger Grill Bourbon BBQ-Spiced Fries should be served with a fork. They are not half as good as good old fries with ketchup and you get your fingers all nasty. Epic Fail!