Sunday, June 30, 2024

Polar Seltzer Blood Orange Lemonade

 Polar Seltzer Blood Orange Lemonade is the kind of thing that goes on sale in September and you should stalk up on it because it really is a crisp flavorful seltzer perfect for beating the heat. 

I wouldn't say it tastes like orange lemonade but I live in southern California and if I don't keep hydrated I get a nose bleed so I need to really keep these on hand.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

First Street Hawaiian Style Sweet Hamburger Buns

 Summer is upon us and it's time to burn food in your backyard. Some of that food may just be hamburgers and you may reach for First Street Hawaiian Style Sweet Hamburger Buns. 

Be aware that they're softer than normal buns and get soggy easily so you want to make them when they eat them not assemble them before hand. Grilling or toasting will give them more staying power.  

They do have more flavor than normal buns, but they are so easy to squash.  They're good but there are limitations.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Athenos Chocolate Hummus

 Chocolate Hummus is often overlooked as a food and with the time of burning food in your backyard is soon upon us you may be asking if it should show up at your gathering. I would say that it should, because it is really good. 

Athenos Chocolate Hummus is like cake icing. It's smooth and sweet to be had on sweet potato chips or sliced carrots. 

I love this stuff, I ate the whole thing. 

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Kool-Aid Sour Gum Green Apple

They make sour gum? I guess that had to be a thing, right? I’m sure they make some really strange gum in this world, and sour likely pales by comparison.

Kool-Aid Sour Gum Green Apple is sour but not so apple and the flavor, as with all Kool-Aid gum, fades fast. After the flavor is gone you have an odd wad of rubber in your mouth that tastes like artificial chemicals or like it’s been on the bottom of your shoe.

I gave the last batch of Kool-Aid gum to my coworkers and they said it wasn’t bad, I guess it’s just me but this was nasty. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

White Claw Refresher Lemonade Strawberry Hard Seltzer

White Claw Refresher Lemonade Strawberry Hard Seltzer has got to be the best out of the four flavors, or I could just be drunk at this point. I'd be very disappointed in myself if I were drunk at this point because I'm no light weight and this stuff is hardly booze. 

Anyway, this tastes like real strawberry, not the candy, and even leaves a lingering strawberry flavor in your mouth. The finish is not as hard as other flavors in this line and so it goes down well. I may just keep these ones as apposed to just giving them away. 

On a hot enough day this would hit the spot. Then again, in a California summer hard seltzer can be tolerated. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Jake in the Box Chicken Nuggets

 When you get chicken at Jack in the Box it can be hit or miss. I’ve had some there that was almost inedible. Chicken Nuggets being often the worst chicken you can get your hands on I kept clear of Jack in the Box Chicken Nuggets. Jack in the Box is not known for being of high quality.

Then one day I had to go to Jack it the Box, it being the only option at the time, and so I ordered the nuggets out of desperation.

They’re better than I would have thought. Too bad they don’t come in a twenty piece like some other chicken like nugget object that I will not name. They were moist and took sauce well. I’ll be it they were on the small side.

Yeah, I would get these again if only because I need to try more of the Jack in the Box sauces.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Jelly Belly Jelly Beans Cotton Candy

 Jelly Belly Jelly Beans Cotton Candy is one of those funny flavors. Yeah, it reminds me of cotton candy but I think texture is a big thing with cotton candy. 

These are great beans. A little odd, really, but great beans.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Jack in the Box Buffalo Wings

If you don't mind paying well over a dollar a wing Jack in the Box Buffalo Wings aren't bad. I mean, come on, Jack in the Box, you just dumped sauce on them and call them Buffalo? I'd rather just get the sauce for dipping. 

If you can get past the fact that this box alone will set you back about twenty bucks in L.A. you got yourself good wings. I would like them a little more on the crispy side, but they are real wings.

Boston Market Home Style Meals Meatloaf

 Boston Market Home Style Meals Meatloaf with Mashed Potatoes & Traditional Brown Gravy has a name so long I'm just not putting it in the title. I mean, that's going to look bad on my blog. 

Anyway, this isn't bad. It takes longer to cook than most of the Home Style line but where as it is not like my own meatloaf it is not bad. Meatloaf can be hard to pull off and this is okay, I wouldn't call it great, but it's above average.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Ryan McBeth Department of the Boat People T-Shirt from Bunker Branding

How do you review a T-Shirt? I mean, I don't really buy them all that often, and when I do I get Jockey tall shirts with a crew neck. So why did I buy this Ryan McBeth Department of the Boat People T-Shirt from Bunker Branding?

Well, I think I was a bit drunk, but I know I saw Ryan plugging a charity for the people who guard Chernobyl right before I did, and anyone who keeps the world from glowing in the dark like that is worth supporting. 

The whole "Department of the Boat People" thing is a joke about Ryan not knowing much about the navy as his YouTube channel is primarily about debunking military rumors and misinformation. The shirt looks to be a silk screened logo. It has fighter jets, a submarine, a modern destroyer, and a bald eagle holding a mop.

I put this shirt on whenever I review a navy movie or talk about the navy in a video. I guess the old squid in your life may just get a chuckle out of this shirt, and if you buy it you support a smart person making liars look bad.

Panda Express Black Pepper Angus Steak

 There is a Panda Express not far from my work, so I figured I'd better start trying their food again. I mean, how long has it been? Six years I think.

Anyway, I wasn't missing much because this Black Pepper Angus Steak isn't that great. Look at it. The stuff they show you in the ad is brimming with fresh vegetables but this is lifeless and wilted. 

It could be that I went there shortly before closing but what better time is there to review food. Seeing it at it's best isn't as honest is it?

When I tried this it was a new item, and it may have gone the way of the west buy now, but it was just okay.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Jarritos Watermelon Soda

 Jarritos Watermelon Soda is something I wanted to try for some time, but the price put me off. Then their Fiesta Pack was on sale and I figured 'this is the time'.

What you have here is a smooth premium soda that would go well with a strong flavored alcohol. I think this stuff was made to be had with tequila. It's not a hot day gulper like most canned soda, but in the modern day you should always keep soda to the minimum. 

I can't say that I would drink this every day but that's mostly because of the price and the fact that I'm a diabetic. I would say that this is a top notch sipping soda for cooling your heals on a hot day.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Green Giant Creamed Spinach

 I have never before tried creamed spinach mostly because it looks like what spinach is once it goes bad. Green Giant Creamed Spinach is honestly edible. I mean, I would never eat this again without putting it on something else, but if I had to eat it to live I wouldn't be too upset. 

I guess creaming isn't nasty after all. I have never looked into it before but it didn't taste bad. Mostly how it felt in my mouth was the issue. 

How I normally eat spinach is raw or slightly heated in the pan with something that will flavor it for me. I'm not big on spinach. 

All and all, edible. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Jack in the Box Chicken Sandwich

 Chicken Sandwiches have become more and more of a thing as of late and so I needed to try the Jack in the Box one. I think they should change out the mayonnaise for mustered. I never understood mayonnaise.

This is a simple sandwich with nothing but bun, lettuce, chicken, and mayo. Simple can be good, and this is good and simple.  


I definitely would get this again, but I order it with no mayo, because I’m not a fan of white goo in my food.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Jelly Belly PiƱa Colada Jelly Beans

 The Jelly Belly PiƱa Colada Jelly Bean has a rich flavor that will taste a good deal like a PiƱa Colada. You'd be lucky to get a PiƱa Colada that rich. Now I haven't had many PiƱa Coladas but I have had a lot of Jelly Beans and these ones are killer.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Jack in the Box Chick-N-Tater Melt

 The Chick-N-Tater Melt was a new thing at Jack in the Box and so I tried one. The tater fell apart and I had to eat it separately. Was it bad? No. Was it good? No. I would eat another one if there was one hanging around, but I wouldn't go and get another one. 

Truth is that there is too much sauce on this and it can be a mess. The flavor is fine but not great, and I almost forgot that there was chicken in the thing. 

Hilco Kool-Aid Gum Grape

 I have little interest in the Hilco company, but I can tell you that their Kool-Aid Gum sucks. Grape is that last flavor of this that I’ll torture myself with and I think it’s the worst on prolonged chewing.


The candy grape flavor that starts this is what one would expect from grape Kool-Aid, not that I’ve tried it, but that quickly fades into a synthetic tasting flavor that is unpleasant to keep in the mouth.


I couldn’t wait to spit this into the trash.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Jelly Belly Jelly Beans Crushed Pineapple

 Jelly Belly Crushed Pineapple Jelly Beans really taste like pineapple for the first few seconds. The flavor doesn't last long. I guess if you only eat one jelly bean you're just not going to be happy. Then again, how does the flavor on a jelly bean fade?

Saturday, June 15, 2024

McDonald’s Big Mac

 Is there anything more iconic than a Big Mac from McDonald’s? Two patties, three bun like things, a slop of lettuce that gets everywhere and that special sauce. It’s not thousand island, it’s special, and you should really feel special if you eat one of these when there is In ‘N Out in the world.

So, a Big Mac has gotten smaller and smaller over the years, and I’m not impressed. There are a good many better hamburgers out there, and the double-double puts these to shame. To add insult to injury the last two or three of these I’ve had were made wrong, I can’t have onion, and I almost never have this problem at In ‘N Out.

The Big Mac is kind of like America, it was a big thing in it’s day but now is sliding back, being made cheaper, and not as impressive at  it once was.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Zevia Cherry Cola

 Zevia Cherry Cola is a fail right out of the box for not having a cola flavor. I guess I can taste some cherry, but whoever thought this tasted like cola can soak his head. Mostly I taste the sweetener which isn't good because it tastes like what it is: artificial.

I do have to give this props for not being a soda that will stain my teeth, but I wouldn't choose it over a sparkling water. I drink a good amount of sparkling water now, and it helps with my soda addiction.

If you like Zevia you will like this, but as for me it falls short. 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Boston Market Meat Lovers Meatball

 There is meat in the sauce of this Boston Market Meat Lovers Meatball. Meat Lovers tends to imply a dish that has a good amount of meat and is very salty or a person who, um, well, fill in the rest yourself. I'm told both are rather salty, but I wouldn't know. 

I wouldn't say there is enough meat here to live up to the name and the soft spongy meatballs didn't help. I found nothing to dislike about this meal, but nothing to make it something to recommend. 

It wasn't bad, it was just okay.  

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Jelly Belly Strawberry Jam Jelly Beans

 Jelly Belly Strawberry Jam Jelly Beans are just like eating strawberry jam. The flavor is way stronger than that of jam and very strawberry. It kind of reminds me of the fruit rolls I ate as a kid.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

White Claw Lemonade Refrshr Hard Seltzer limon

 White Claw Lemonade Refrshr Hard Seltzer limon is what you get if you take the sugar out of lemonade. That's just lemon water and it's lemon water with just sad cheep vodka in it so that the vodka isn't too gross to drink. 

This is just a little more tolerable than the other flavors in its line but only just. Lemon water and vodka would be better.  

The best way to take this in would be to drink it down in one gulp. It's smooth until the finish when the lemon flavor make you pucker. Drink this after you get drunk.  

Monday, June 10, 2024

McDonald’s Spicy Buffalo Sauce

I’m not a big fan of buffalo sauce, I should make that clear off the bat, but I wanted to try something new and this McDonald’s Spicy Buffalo Sauce was new to me. It tastes like Buffalo sauce with a little less of an edge. I would not call it spicy at all. Why would you call it spicy if it’s just normal buffalo sauce I couldn’t tell you , but it’s not spicy at all.

I don’t have a problem with this save for there being nothing at McDonald’s that it really fits with. I mean, just why?

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Devour Buffalo Style Chicken Mac & Cheese

 Devour Buffalo Style Chicken Mac & Cheese is one of those things I've just given up on stirring. I dropped it in for six minutes and this came out. It's not that bad but a good amount of it was stuck together. 

This wasn't a bad thing as I had forgotten my fork and was scooping it up with chips. It was a really good dip now that I think of it. I would have liked better chips. 

Anyway, like most 'buffalo style' food this is not as intense as the buffalo sauce I remember from my youth. It gets the flavor right but there isn't enough of it to really clear your nose. 

I would still get this again. It wasn't bad.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Bang Super Creatine Citrus Twist

 Bang Super Creatine Citrus Twist made its way to my local Dollar Tree and I, drinking way to many energy drinks, picked up a few cans. I'm not sure the Super Creatine line is still around. That could be why this was at a dollar store. 

Anyway, I found this to be a refreshing citrus flavor that was kind of like lemonade. It was perfect to get you rocking on a hot day and so if the flavor is still around it gets a thumbs up. I don't know about what it will do for your workout, but you shouldn't be going nuts with this stuff anyway.

Friday, June 7, 2024

White Claw Refresher Lemon Blood Orange with a Splash of Black Raspberry

 In addition to sucking White Claw Refresher Lemon Blood Orange with a Splash of Black Raspberry has way too long of a name. I mean, did they think making the name longer would make it better?

this is the second worst White Claw I ever tasted with the Blackberry being the worst. This is one big box of disappointment. I feel the lemon is a down play and the raspberry is the dominant flavor. 

If I didn't know better I would think hard seltzer was made to torture me. It comes on sale in these four packs and I keep buying it to review. Why do I torture myself? 

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Jelly Belly Cappuccino Jelly Beans

 Jelly Belly Cappuccino Jelly Beans are not as rich as many Jelly Belly Jelly Beans, but they do live up to their namesake. I felt like the flavor was over too quickly, but I only ate one to get the taste. 

I'm fat after all.

Don't look at me like that, I did only eat one for the review. I may have eaten them all after the review but as of me writing this I only ate one. 

Anyway, solid bean, very good.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Yum Yum Donuts Glazed Twist

 After a party at my work we had Yum Yum Donuts left over for the night shift. Take that into account that after a whole shift no one wanted this thing so I figured I’d get a review in before tossing it into the trash.

Let me first say that it is spelled doughnut. This is because the word is a combination of dough and nut. It is a nut like you would put on a screw and dough as in to make bread out of. Donuts, on the other hand make no sense and would be a combination of do and nut sounding like something a porn star would say.

This doughnut is good only as you eat the glaze. The dough part is flavorless and should be cut down on to make the doughnut taste better.

I do need to point out that I had a Yum Yum Donuts doughnut just as they were being taken into the brake room and that tasted like crap as well. All in all, I don’t know how these people stay in business.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Carl’s Jr. Buffalo Sauce

 Carl’s Jr. Buffalo Sauce is not made of buffaloes. I would honestly like to have something made of buffalo some time, but I guess it wouldn’t come from Carl’s Jr.

I find this to be a runny sauce reminiscent of the kind one may get at a sports bar but being both less brightly colored and having less kick to its flavor.

Back in the day, I do recall friends doing buffalo sauce shots to prove they were hard. No one ever did more than three that I can recall but this stuff hasn’t got that kick so you can do more shots of this without getting sick.

Not bad, not the real thing.

Monday, June 3, 2024

White Claw Refresher Lemonade Blackberry

 Come on, White Claw, you can do better than this. This Refresher Lemonade Blackberry is the worst thing I've tried from White Claw and it's just as bad as most hard seltzer I've had. It has a berry flavor to it for sure, but it tastes of cheap booze.

This feels like it would give me one bad hangover after another. Really a step down from most White Claw I've had.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Jack in the Box Jack’s Good Good Sauce

I’ve never been a sauce guy, so it took me some time to try Jack’s Good Good Sauce at Jack in the Box. I mean, it doesn’t give you much in the way of identifying what it is from the name.

Tastes like a spicy honey mustered to me. The whole idea is more a funny name than anything more interesting. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but when you have a sauce with no characteristics in the name you need to worry a little.

Stuff is okay.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Melinda’s Whole Fruit Preserves Pineapple

 Melinda’s Whole Fruit Preserves Pineapple is thick and sugary without the bite that pineapple can have. I would say that this should have a bit stronger of a flavor given the whole fruit in the name, but that's just me. 

All and all, this isn't bad but it just isn't my kind of thing. 

They say that when you eat pineapple the pineapple eats you back. Not in this case I'm sure. This is sissy food that won't even try to kill you. Makes me want to go eat a bear or something to make up for it.