Friday, May 31, 2024

Michelina's Pop'N Buffalo-Style Chicken Snacks

 Michelina's Pop'N Buffalo-Style Chicken Snacks are about what one would expect from Michelina's having enough flavor to be buffalo-style but not enough to hit you with flavor like the real deal. 

I love snacking on these things but I'm a big fat dude and shouldn't eat them. They are bad for you, short on chicken, short on taste, but not bad at all.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Jelly Belly Orange Sherbet Jelly Beans

 I don't know if I ever had orange sherbet. I have nothing to really match this to in my head but Jelly Belly Orange Sherbet Jelly Beans is a great orange jelly bean. They stand above any other orange jelly bean I've had. 

I can't eat a lot of these, because I'm fat, and I need to live, but I do wish I could eat them all. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Carl’s Jr. Chicken Stars

 In an effort to make them less like the McNugget Carl’s Jr. formed their chicken into stars. This is kind of in theme with the rest of the place given that their logo is a star, but they really stand out from McNuggets by making them out of chicken.

This is not to say that these are not made of some kind of chicken paste that is full of not chicken things, but I can tell that there is more chicken in these than there is in a McNugget. The breading is darker and more textured, and the stars are of overall better quality.

Now they just need to get some of the Sweet and Sour sauce I love so much, and the golden arches would be a thing of memory for me.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

McDonald's Grandma McFlurry

I will never understand the idea of the McDonald's Grandma McFlurry. Who looks at grandma and says "I'd like to eat that"? I bet it doesn't taste like butterscotch.

My grandmother never had butterscotch anything so I don't get the connection, but this has a strong flavor of butterscotch and all kinds of butterscotch bits inside.  

I think this would have been better were it less simple. The butterscotch was fine but maybe some other flavored would have made this something to really have. As for me, I thought this was fine but I'm not a McFlurry kind of guy. 

Hillshire Farm Roasted Garlic Chicken Smoked Sausage

 I found this Hillshire Farm Roasted Garlic Chicken Smoked Sausage in the back of my refrigerator and wondered if it was still good. I mean, it smelled like sausage. I ate it and I didn't get sick. It was, however, really salty. 

I mean, maybe it was the fact that I hadn't had fast food in long enough to decrees my salt tolerance. Eat vegetables for a few days and you will find most fat food tastes very salty. 

I think that's how vegans get by. Cut out the salt and you taste so much more. Food needs little salt to change the flavor, but the salt really makes flavors pop. 

Anyway, this needed more of a garlic flavor to really get it going, and I didn't taste that. Maybe it was too old. Hillshire Farm is normally a very solid brand. 

Monday, May 27, 2024

Jelly Belly Lemon Lime Jelly Beans

 Jelly Belly Lemon Lime Jelly Beans start with a hard burst of lime and them fade to a lacking lemon. As jelly beans go this is not a flavor I would have more of, but some people really like lime.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Burger King Birthday Pie

Burger King Birthday Pie is a thing. It has pudding of some kind with sprinkles and bits of cake on top. Whip cream frosting makes it hard to get out of the box to show you. 

I don't know if this is really all that great because I can't tell you what the flavor really is. I guess it's vanilla, but it needs more of that if it is.  

If you love pudding pie this would be good enough, but I wouldn't go to Burger King just to try it. Worth it if you're already there.

Boston Market Swedish Meatballs

The Swedish Meatballs sold in the Boston Market Home Style line are good. Relatively fast cooking they will be ready faster, are less likely to burn your mouth, and good enough to be worth eating.

From a health standpoint this is a D grade meal. It’s all fat and starch and no fiber and vegetables. It tastes good, it’s kind of fast, and I would recommend that you steam some vegetables to go with it.



Saturday, May 25, 2024

Jack in the Box Creamy Southwest Dressing

 I guess if you’re going to eat a Southwest Salad you should get some dressing to go with it, and Jack in the Box has you covered with this Creamy Southwest Dressing.


Does it taste like the southwest? I don’t know, I have never tasted the southwest. If you figure the southwest is Arizona and New Mexico it would mostly taste like dirt and cactus. Add in Nevada and you have perpetration, desperation, hookers, and cocaine. Texas would add cow crap and gunpowder.


I couldn’t taste any of these things in my Southwester Dressing. It has a hint of spice to it and some citrus undertones like a chili lime sauce. This is only good in small doses, and I didn’t like it because I had a burn in my mouth that this bothered. It’s not the kind of thing I would eat to start with.


The best part of this is that it comes with their normal ranch sauce so you can even it out and make it less overpowering. 

I meh at this.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Dickey's Barbecue Pit Texas Barbecue Beans

At Dickey's Barbecue Pit the difference between Barbecue Beans and Texas Barbecue Beans as spice. The Texas Beans have more flavor and are a lot hotter. They don't clear my sinuses, but they do stand out compared to their more common beans. 

If you were only going to try the original or the Texas beans I would go Texas all the way. The normal beans are just there, but these are really here.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Kit Kat Chocolate Frosted Donut

Kit Kat Chocolate Frosted Donut sounds a little redundant to me. I mean, Kit Kat is chocolate, isn’t it? Ah well.

This taste good, and they do remind be of doughnuts. I would say that they rank almost as good as a normal Kit Kat bar. I have always rather like Kit Kats to start with and never really come across a flavor that was better than the original.


Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Coca-Cola Spiced

 Spiced Coke sounds like a drink you would have at one of those crappy college parties where people shoot fireworks out of their butts. I don't know why I get that image, but I just do.

Past that I don't know why this drink is a thing given how much it tastes like normal Coke. I mean, you can tell it isn't the real deal but you can tell that it is still Coke. 

I guess the point is for Coke lovers and lookie loos to get their game on with this stuff and sell a few more cans. All and all, it's not worth paying more for but not bad. 

Jack in the Box Jack’s Spicy Chicken W/ Cheese

 I think I’ve had this without cheese. I can say that the cheese didn’t change the heat of this sandwich which was enough to make me need a glass of water. I mean there was some real spicy chicken in this Jack’s Spicy Chicken W/Cheese. I would also say that it was good quality chicken, and I’ve had some bad chicken in my day, as well as being moist and plump.

I’m not into spicy so this isn’t my jam, but I have to admit it really delivers. 

Score one for the Jack.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Boston Market Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo

 Boston Market's Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo has all the salt of a normal meal but less than four hundred calories. This makes it something you shouldn't eat on it's own being less than a full meal. 

It has more than forty percent of your salt intake for the day so you can basically eat nothing but fruits and vegetables with this meal, but go on with your bad self. 

I they had filled all the extra space in this tray with green stuff it would have been a halfway passable meal. As it is, I would say it wont kill you if you don't eat it too often.

Tastes okay.

Monday, May 20, 2024

A&W Root Beer Zero Sugar Soda

It taste like diet sodas have come a long way in the past fifteen years or so. I stopped drinking them when I got the runs from it and the runs really burnt on the way out. I mean, I thought I was bleeding and that the soda had burnt my intestines.


Now I don’t drink diet normally but I was at this party and they had some diet soda sitting around so I figured I could get a review in.


This A&W Root Beer Zero Sugar Soda was a good deal better than the crap I had back in the day. I mean, it almost tasted like normal A&W. I don’t know if it would give me the red runs like soda did back in the day, because I don’t want to drink enough of it to find out.


Still, this was okay.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Pop-Tarts Apple Jacks

 Pop Tarts are bad for you. They are also flavored like things that are bad for you. Apple Jacks are bad for you as well. These tasted mildly of Apple Jacks because there wasn't enough filling to go round. 

I don't know who was saying "I love Apple Jacks, but I wish there was a way for me to make them hot and easy to carry." That person would be disappointed with these Apple Jacks Pop-Tarts. 

Then again, if they're eating Pop-Tarts they are disappointed by their life to start with. 

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Ono Hawaiian BBQ Hawaiian BBQ Chicken

The Hawaiian BBQ chicken at Ono Hawaiian BBQ grill is not sliced. I would think it would be sliced because they didn’t give me a knife to cut it with. I put the whole thing on my fork an ate it like a kabob. That said, I wasn’t impressed.

It was fine. I wouldn’t say it the texture of being BBQ’d and it was a little on the stringy side. I like my BBQ chicken to be dry on the outside and moist on the inside. This was wet and cold with little searing.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Wai Lana Sour Cream & Chives Crisps

 Wai Lana Sour Cream & Chives Crisps boast that they are vegan, but aren't most chips vegan? Anyway, these are just fin, they are light, crispy, and full of flavor. I even think the ones I have are on the old side but they kept their flavor for sure. 

If you're a fan of this flavor these will not disappoint. I'm honestly not a big fan of this flavor and like my crisps to be easy to carry to work, but I don't mind these. 

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Green Giant Sweet Peas and Butter Sauce

Green Giant Sweet Peas and Butter Sauce really should have been sweeter but I guess with all the sugar we eat now days you can't really taste the sweet. Still, the and butter sauce part was accurate because the butter sauce wasn't well distributed. It would have been off were it Peas IN Butter Sauce.

Peas are an odd choice for this combination of food, but I had to try them with something so I guess they would have gone better with mashed potatoes.  Peas and breakfast are not a common idea. Better for you than just adding eggs or something like that. 

Anyway, like most of the easy steam packs you get from Green Giant these were on the low quality end.  They were easy and nutritious but not all that great.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Jack in the Box Jumbo Breakfast Platter w/ Bacon


Jack in the Box Jumbo Breakfast Platter w/ Bacon is not so jumbo but it does have bacon. I don't know if it's worth getting the sausage one after this. I think the bacon is the only real food here and I know the rest is frozen or powdered. 

I didn't say, 'well this is a lot of food' when eating this and that's what jumbo really should imply. I guess that's life in this case, but the pancakes are small and were not very hot. 

This was okay. I wouldn't get it again, but I didn't dislike it at all. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Jack in the Box New York Style Cheesecake

Jack in the Box New York Style Cheesecake has that tart cheese flavor that makes it New York. New York is a lovely city, but there are bitter bits, and it just wouldn’t be the same without them.

This is what you'd expect, and I wouldn’t say it was wonderful, but if you only want once slice of cheesecake then you’re a monster and I don’t understand your logic but you can get it at Jack in the Box.


Monday, May 13, 2024

Green Giant Cheesy Riced Cauliflower & Broccoli

 Green Giant Cheesy Riced Cauliflower & Broccoli is an example of their simple steam line which means they are individually packed, boxed to store easily, and have fat of some kind added. In this case, the fat is cheese.

The cheese doesn't run fully into the vegetables making them something that has good bits and bad bits and an inconsistent taste. There is too little broccoli, and the cheese has little flavor.  

The way to eat this is to add it into something else like an omelet where you can add a few flavors like pepper or onion, if you like that sort of thing, and change the texture of the food.  

This is better than having no vegetables at all but false short of what I would call healthy. I wouldn't get this again and I would never use it as intended.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Little Debbie Mother's Day Lemon Cakes


Little Debbie Mother's Day Lemon Cakes where at my discount market this year and I must say that I had enthusiasm for them.  Then again, I’m a big fat fellow who lost his mother young, and so I wish I could share these with the old girl. My family never felt that way but it has been a good many years.

Anyway, these cakes are mildly lemon, as opposed to sharply lemon, and go well with milder coffee.  I would say that these are a fine addition to tea time with mom but would not be a major gesture to tell her you care.  These and doing the dishes afterwards may go over a bit better but you should wash her car or something to go along with it.

In other words, these are nice and fall short of the bitter sweet feeling of watching your children grow up and move and then never call.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Campbell's Chunky Chicken Corn Chowder

 Campbell's Chunky Chicken Corn Chowder is not to be placed in the microwave. Stuff got everywhere and it was only in there for two minutes. 

Now, I admit corn chowder isn't something I eat much of and have little experience with. However, this could have used more corn. I mean, it's corn chowder it should have corn. It was low on chicken, but I would have figured that there wouldn't be that much chicken to start with. 

This didn't have a lot of flavor at all and could have used some pepper or something like that. All in all, it was there but I wouldn't get it again.

Friday, May 10, 2024

AMC Paper Straw


I hate paper straws. I know they are better for the environment but I hate them all the same. If I could I would make everyone use those cup lids you can drink out of and ditch straws all together.

This straw which I got at my local AMC didn’t last ten minutes before it started to come apart making me drink from the cup without a lid on it and defeating the purpose of the straw.

On the up side, next time I go to the movies I’ll be encouraged to bring my own straw.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Jack in the Box Supreme Sourdough

 Over at Jack in the Box the Supreme Sourdough sounds so good. Eggs, bacon, cheese, all on sourdough, what's not to love. 

Well, Jack has an interesting idea as to what sourdough should taste like. The bacon is 'hickory smoked', but you'd never know.

This is a great idea but the execution is just sad and pathetic. Everything is so bland and under-realized that you hardly know what your eating. 

It's just food. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Lance Captain's Wafers Cream Cheese and Chives

Lance Captain's Wafers Cream Cheese and Chives found there way to my local discount market and so I got a box are two, ate most of them, and finally took a shot for this review. 

Yeah, these things are addictive. Quick, tasty, and convenient I can't get enough of these things.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Pik-Nik Shoestring Potatoes - Sea Salt & Vinegar

 Some dork at the factory shipped these Pik-Nik Shoestring Potatoes - Sea Salt & Vinegar without the top cat that makes them resealable. The strong vinegar flavor of these will wash away the tastes of other food making them a strong pallet cleanser. 

I don't love vinegar enough to make these a snack but they do go well with savory foods you want to really taste. There small size gives you the option of eating just as much as you want to put down the taste of that sandwich so the next bite is fresh.

I don't know if you could put these over a salad, but it would work flavor wise, but the salad would need to be low in lingering water and eaten quickly.  Yeah, these would make great croutons. 

All and all, these aren't my thing but the product is a good thing to have around if you're a foody. 

Monday, May 6, 2024

Polar Seltzer Orange Vanilla

 Polar Seltzer Orange Vanilla feels fancy. I mean, Polar is a solid brand and most people have said that they liked it when I gave it to them, but this flavor stands out as one of the more interesting. 

It tastes not just of orange but of orange zest but has no bitter flavor. If you want your water to impress add a flower and an orange slice to this, and you're just golden. 

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Smartfood White Cheddar Popcorn

 I ran into this Smartfood White Cheddar Popcorn at work and it being around I figured ‘why not get a review’. When you write reviews as I do you want to get in everyone you can.

The overall appeal of Smartfood Popcorn is that it’s less calories than chips so you can eat more of it, feel more full, and be less fat. The thing about that is that it takes about twenty minutes to feel full no matter what your eating so you could eat a lot of these before feeling full.

Taste wise, these are fine, not too cheesy, but light and unoffensive.  If you’re a Cheetos fan they will not be cheesy enough for you but if you only want it a little cheesy then these will be just fine.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Kellogg's Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi Frosted Flakes Cereal Light & Dark

 Kellogg's Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi Frosted Flakes Cereal Light & Dark is a mix of normal and chocolate frosted flakes. The impact is rather meh for me, but this form of early onset child diabetes is okay. 

I will never understand these short term runs of cereal. I mean, if you buy frosted flakes will this really get you to buy more of them? 

I don't think this is any better than the normal version, but I guess it got me to buy a box so it works... Then again I got this at the discount market and it was on sale so maybe no one really wanted these. 

Friday, May 3, 2024

Boston Market Hot Honey Fried Chicken

Boston Market Home Style Meals tend to be on the not great side. They’re small and look nothing like what the box shows you. This Hot Honey Fried Chicken is no exception with the chicken being mostly breading and not even filling the space in the tray.

Had I not gotten this at a very good price I would be angry but maybe that’s why I got this at the good price.

The pasta wasn’t bad. It has a little spice to it but no heat to speak of. I didn’t need water when I ate this and in fact was drinking hot coffee.

All in all, it’s food and nothing more.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Del Taco Del Beef Burrito

 The Del Taco Del Beef Burrito is my go-to for a Del Taco order. Mostly this is because it’s got nothing that will make me sick. I almost never order any other burrito, but then I’ve never really looked at the menu. You’re Dell Beef Burrito could use more cheese. The beef is some low-quality stuff that hardly feels like beef and every now and then you get a bit that just will not chew down.

Still, in the world of bottom quality fast food this is a good burrito. I get them all the time and I will get them again.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

AMC Flatbread Pepperoni Pizza

 In the odd times I honestly go to the theater instead of steeling my movies online I try to take in some of the food at the movies these days. I mean, look at the selection. They have a whole lot of stuff.

This AMC flatbread pizza was crap. The bread was too thick and hard. There wasn’t enough cheese, and it didn’t pull apart. It was also a little too greasy for a movie, but just remember to bring napkins and you’ll be fine as far as that goes.

Expensive and disappointing this is not that great. Stick with the popcorn, it is also expensive and disappointing but at least it last a long time and isn’t gone before your movie.