What does one say about the Bacon Cheeseburger at Pioneer Cafe in Glendale? Well, these are hard to screw up and this one came out fine. It comes open face so you can pick off anything you don't like, and add all the ketchup and mustered you want. Have one of these and take pride in your fat Americanism.
AMP Organic Energy Drink is more of a soda than it is an energy drink as it does not have the other stuff that makes an energy drink. If you're looking to stay up at night this will only give you caffeine. That said, this is good soda with nothing to mess up your teeth other than the sugar. Coke will stain your teeth brown. Now the Grape is mild and more of an after taste than anything else. I mean, it doesn't really taste like grapes, but it has a hint of that fake grape flavor. Frankly, I'd like to mix this with some Whiled Turkey 101. Good soda for good booze.
The Pioneer Cafe in Glendale has two kinds of Chicken Strips on the menu. This is a Appetizer and I've reviewed the meal. Oddly, these don't look or taste like the same strips. These had a thinner batter that was more flavorful and smoother. In any case, if you're a real protein hog or you just don't like the sides this is a great way to get in a meal. As an Appetizer you get three pieces so on the hard to share side.
At the Pioneer Cafe in Glendale this is a club. Well, how am I supposed to beat an Ork to death with that? Where as this club is useless on the battlefield it's a great double level sandwich. I must say I enjoyed this immensely.
Rick's Drive In and Out is a little place on Greenleaf in Up Town Whittier. I think it's a chain but the place has been their as long as I can remember. There Pastrami is a big wet sandwich with lots of meat. This thing is salty as hell so get a drink if you buy one. As pastrami goes, not remarkable.
Grocery Outlet Garlic French Bread is a great deal more French Bread than it is garlic. I mean, I got this stuff and the girl at the checkout asked me where it was because people were asking about it. Then I tried it and it was okay. Got my hopes up for nothing.
I got this Coca Cola Zero by mistake from a vending machine and figured I'd review it because I'm never buying this again. It doesn't taste like crap. I mean, I still wouldn't switch it for the real deal, but it was better than normal diet crap.
I'm not much of a Budweiser fan but when I heard about Freedom Reserve Red Lager I wanted to try it, and it was at the discount market. It has a good head like a lager, but it's much thinner than I would expect. This is no sipping red and give you the feeling of a full gut like Budweiser does. What I most noticed about the beer was that it made little ice crystals in the glass when I drank it indicating a low alcohol content. This is a beer meant to be drank cold and is more for refreshment than getting drunk. Not bad.
At the Pioneer Cafe in Glendale you can get yourself a slice of cheesecake. It's about what one expects from a frozen cheesecake and it was not heated for consumption. If you're the kind of person that can't stop eating getting one slice is a great idea. If you can control yourself you may wish to get this from your local Costco.
When I ordered the Pancake Sandwich at the Pioneer Cafe in Glendale I was not expecting this. I was expecting something more like a pancake sandwich. To be honest, I didn't know what a pancake sandwich would look like, but I figured it would be more sandwich like. Well, I mean, pancakes are good.
At the Pioneer Cafe in Glendale you can get a Cottage Cheese & Fruit Salad. They don't make a lot of these as far as I can gather so they may ask if you want the big one or the small one. This is the big one. Now this is a simple idea and one that works very well for those of us who walk six miles in one day of work and need our water. I will say that this was hard to finish it was so large. I would have liked more cottage cheese, but you get what you get. At the end of the day, this is a great idea that his healthy and filling. Eat these or look like me.
At the Pioneer Cafe in Glendale they sell a New York Steak Sandwich, and I had to look up New York Steak to see if that was a thing. Oddly, New York Steak doesn't walk everywhere, curse at you, and make jokes about massive rats. It's really just strip steak cut from the loin of beef. This is one of the more expensive sandwiches on the menu, and it's not vastly better than the other sandwiches they have on offer. If you're in the mood for beef this is a great idea. If your not in a 'got to have steak' mood then look to the other things they sell.
AMC Mozzarella Sticks are a flavorless finger food not suitable for eating during a movie. Why would I say that? Well, are you going to let them get cold as you wait twenty minutes for the previews to finish? In any case, these are okay, not great, but okay. The sauce they come with doesn't help much.
Why Firehouse Subs calls this a 'Firehouse Hero' I don't know. I still don't know what a hero sandwich is but as this doesn't have a flashy costume and isn't saving the day I still have to look for the hero part. This is a good sandwich with the dominant flavor being turkey. If you like turkey then this will be your deal. I only ordered it because I need to order everything they sell so I can review it. I ate this for you. Don't you feel special? Do not point out that I look like I eat ten of these a day. I'm depressed, it makes you gain weight.
If you find yourself on Greenleaf Blvd in Uptown Whittier California a stop into the Teriyaki Bistro is your best choice for a quick lunch. A large order of the Popcorn Chicken more than filled me up. It was hard to finish and I'm enormous. This stuff was really crisp and crunchy with a taste of the natural chicken that made it good on it's own. Then it had the creamy sauce that came with it that you can order on the side or on top. I loved every bite. Then I had to walk to my car in like hundred and five degree heat. Worth it.
You get a good amount of ham in the Ham Breakfast at the Pioneer Cafe in Glendale. As ham goes this stuff tastes like ham. I mean, it has a very ham like quality that one would expect from ham. I really don't know what to say about this other than if you like ham you'll like this and if you don't give it a pass.
The Chocolate Shake at the Pioneer Cafe in Glendale is the best shake they have. That's not saying much because the other ones taste mostly like milk. This one tastes like chocolate.
Mushroom Steak at Pioneer Cafe in Glendale is not a steak made of mushroom. I found that odd. I'm told it's the best thing on the menu and I disagree. It's in my top then but there are better things still to order. In any case, love this thing but the mixed vegetables just don't hold up.
When I told the fellow at the Corner Bakery Cafe that I was waiting eight hours for my car to be ready he gave me a Caramel Latte for free. Sadly the service was so much better than the latte because all the Caramel sank to the bottom. It was okay, but I'd never get it again.
Corner Bakery Cafe Strawberry Lemon Pancakes is pancakes with strawberries and lemon topping. That is as apposed to pancakes with these things within. I found the lemon somewhat overpowering and I could have used more strawberries. After that, this was kind of meh.
There is nothing like finding out what kind of food they serve at Starbucks when you're waiting for the office to open so you can pick up uniforms. The Starbucks Ham and Cheese Croissant isn't going to make you feel satisfied but it will taste very good. Eat one with a salad will you? Why am I talking to myself.
There is nothing Triple about the Mocha in this Starbucks Triple Mocha Frappuccino. I don't even think that should be called a double mocha. It's just a mocha at the end of the day. Thing gave me a brain freeze.
Sundae at the Pioneer Cafe in Glendale means French Vanilla, chocolate sauce, and whipped cream. There are better sundaes out there but this one is functional enough to be worth eating without making you want another. The chocolate sauce is not heated which would make this better. I mean, it fits the bill, but isn't stellar.
The true joy of fried chicken is that you can rip it apart getting at the bits of meat stuck to the bone. It's a dominance thing. As you can't do that at a restaurant I'm not sure why they sell fried chicken but Pioneer Cafe in Glendale will do room service for the Days Inn Glendale so that could be why. You get a lot of chicken in this meal. I mean, look at that! I found it so filling I had to take it easy afterward.
How good of Pioneer Cafe in Glendale to have a breakfast for the overweight food reviewers I mean house wives who don't feel sexy. What you have here is ground round, three eggs, and a cottage cheese and melon salad. It's actually rather good for you and is something I recommend to start your day. Most Americans don't eat this healthy even once a week.
KitKat Red Velvet Flavor is one of those things I found in the discount rack after Valentine's Day, but past the hearts on the package I just don't think they fit the holiday. These taste nothing like red velvet which is still just chocolate and food coloring, they do have the distinctive flavor of cream cheese frosting. If you ever wanted a cream cheese KitKat or you think relationships tend to be bitter sweet then these are for you.
Blue Bunny Ice Cream Red Velvet Cupcake gets the cupcake part but falls short on the red velvet. I will point out that it has red velvet chunks that taste on the dry side. As Ice Cream goes this stuff just isn't that great. Get yourself some Rocky Road.
On Greenleaf in Uptown Whittier by the movie theater you can find the Teriyaki Bistro. This is a fun little place where you can get, of all things, cheese on your Teriyaki. I never thought of this combination before, but it's really great. I'm so going back to this place.
The Country Breakfast with Pancakes at the Pioneer Cafe in Glendale is a breakfast that gives me little to talk about. Yeah, it's great, it's breakfast, it's everything that you would expect. I'll grant that you need to use a knife to cut the outer sides of the pancakes but that goes away as you get to the softer middle. Again, nothing to snazzy, just an American meal.
At the Pioneer Cafe in Glendale French Fries are reduced to the simplest way of making them. I don't think these even have salt. If I were you I'd get something to put on these or you'll die of boredom eating them.