Archibald's Drive-Thru is a small chain of about six restaurants in southern California and there Chili Cheese Fries are rather good. They are on the small side by comparison to other fries of that nature but they do stand out in flavor.
I mean, these taste like chili as apposed to mud like many chili cheese fries.
Galaxy Burger is a small chain of burger restaurants that inhabits southern California. Their thing is the Galaxy Burger an avocado bacon burger house stile that will do the job for you. Vary modern.
Yeah, you can get these anywhere, but they just wouldn't be as cool.
Hostess 100 Years Birthday CupCakes Limited Edition are white cakes with white frosting and sprinkles with cream filling. They are the best with coffee and I have to say they kick some tail.
I'm not saying I'll miss these when they're gone, but I had a good time with them when they were here.
Pioneer Chicken BBQ Sauce is the savory kind. I'm more of a fan of the sweet stuff but this is good for cleansing the pallet of sugars. Take a few drinks of your soda, have some of this, and then drink soda again to see what I mean.
The Baked Beans at Pioneer Chicken in Los Angeles and Bell Gardens California are what they are. I can't say I'm a big fan but then if you want something better for you than french fries you're in luck. If you ate these beans rather than spuds you'd get a lot more fiber.
If you eat fried chicken you should go all American and get some corn on the cob. Now the corn on the cob at Pioneer Chicken in Los Angeles and Bell Gardens California is not peppered for you so if you like pepper you got to put some on. As for me, I was bloated as hell when i had this and I felt so much better after that corn made it through my system. Good stuff.
Pioneer Chicken is kind of an old west thing and you can't get down home country without Biscuits. As biscuits go these are, well, okay, I can't say that I will be going out and saying 'get me some more of those'.
Still, these are nice and fresh and filling. I mean, you eat at Pioneer Chicken and you can figure why they didn't beat out KFC. With only two locations left you would say they need to step up their game. Then again, how important are biscuits?
I don't remember chicken strips at Pioneer Chicken when I was a kid. I would have loved these, and I wish they still had Pioneer Chicken by my house instead of the two locations in L.A. and Bell Gardens California.
Truth is that if you're looking to love the past you need to get some good old fashion chicken at the Pioneer, but these strips are too good to pass up. Go get um' and save some history.
Coco Fuzion 100 Natural Sparkling Coconut Water Mango is an odd mix of flavor. I can't say it's great, but it does refresh the body and give me an odd state of calm. I would get more of this stuff. It's nice and calming.
These IGA Soup & Oyster Crackers are mini saltines you don't need to brake up to put in your soup. The name fits, they go soft fast and turn to little oysters. I have to be honest, I like these things.
McDonald's Chicken McGriddle is a dry tasteless abomination in the eyes of food. This is not to say that the McGriddle cakes are bad, but rather that they do not go well with dry chicken putty sculpted into a paddy and made to look like chicken.
I find these to be so bat that I never want to eat them again and I'm four hundred pounds.
McDonald's Chicken Biscuit is a sad microwave sandwich that no one should pay fresh food money for. The odd thing is that I'm looking at this thing feeling hungry. That is not hungry for another Chicken Biscuit but rather hungry for something that isn't dry and deflated.
If you want to know what this tastes like put pepper on a buttermilk biscuit and you got the same flavor.
Baker's Drive-Thru is a very California fast food franchise that isn't in Los Angeles making it one of the whitest things southern California has to offer. The ground beef burritos are so not Mexican that I don't even thin Mexicans are permitted to make them.
That is not to say that they are bad. Further, I would call them unoffensive. Not great, but they are everything you want in a fast cheep burrito.
Baker's Drive-Thru Chili Cheese Fries are big and cheesy just how I like them and they fill you up like nothing else. I have to say that these aren't crap. I thought they would be crap but they're not crap.
Greenfield Natural Meat Co. Uncured Ham & Cheese Lunch Kit is the kind of thing you may grab to fill your gut when you don't have time to make a sandwich. I have to admit I like these things but I'm not sure if they are worth extra packaging and such. Put this in a bag with an apple and some carrots and you're not doing too bad but all in all "Lunch Kit" is not what these things are.
Coco Fuzion 100 Natural Sparkling Coconut Water is the sparkling embodiment of coconut. Low in calories and packing a few good nutrients.
Is this stuff great? No, it's a little on the bitter side but still refreshing and good for you. A fat pig like me needs to drink this to get the water flowing as it were.
Delicious Big D's Burgers Strawberry Lemonade is non alcoholic and will still set you back a good seven dollars. Don't but the cotton candy in the drink as it will just dissolve and you won't really taste it at all.
Is there anything good about this? Meh, it's not that it's bad it's just that you should order some water to go with it.
Drinks are kind of a rip at this place, at most places to be honest, and you don't get refills. This is still too big for a normal person, so you can take a date and split it or give some to one of your children. Still, I would not get this again.
The Hideout Pizza & Grill Bread Sticks are something you get to bulk out you order if you have a big group. They aren't that good. I don't mean to say they are bad, but they are not as good as just the crust of the pizza.
Buy these to fill a big group but for a smaller group just stick to the pizza.
I don't know much about Bellini, but I do believe it should be thick and cannot really come from a bottle. That said this stuff is a fun summer drink that you can give to your kids. It's non-alcoholic. Add a shot of vodka and you have a fine drink for the parents at your summer party.
Just remember it's basically sugar and enough of it will make you look like me.
Subway Watermelon Cucumber Agua Fresca is a thing I found when walking into an Anaheim Subway. The watermelon is lost in this drink but the cucumber is definitely there to tell you to think this crap is good for you. For all I know it should be brimming with nutrients.
I wouldn't say this is a good idea, but if you drink less of this than soda then good deal.
Subway Ciabatta Garlic Steak & Provolone is what I think I ordered but it's not really what it is at all. I'm kind of sure they just gave me steak. I wish I knew what the real deal tasted like, but the subway worker didn't know how to make this sandwich. Well, the ciabatta was good.
Refresco Orange So da is sold under many a brand name but none so simple as 'so da' why they would make the name so hard to search I don't know but they did and it's a pain in my meat cushion.
Past that, stuff kicks. Just as good as name brand and you should totally get this if it's a good deal.
I was cleaning out my pictures and remembered that I got Fish and Chips at Pioneer Chicken in Bell Gardens California. I never reviewed the Fries because chips and fries are so the same thing.
Anyway, these are a solid potato based snack that taste good and reminds you of America.
The Lenovo ThinkPad X100e is a tough little booger of a laptop that runs slowly in the modern age and is little more than a utility computer. I got this thing for work and it works.
With a sublaptop like this one you get no Optical Drive and less of a coolant system. My T61 cools back to side, but this X100e has the intake airport on the bottom limiting air flow and keeping the unit running hot.
I will say that the sound coming off this unit is a step up from the T61 so if you want to watch youtube you can.
I know these are old laptops, but, well, I paid for this thing and I want to review it so it's long lasting, slow, and can take a beating. It was a good deal for me.
I'm not sure I got the Pesto on my Subway Ciabatta Chicken Pesto and there where only two slices of the fresh mozzarella. After that I have to say that this is more filling than a normal subway six inch, but there is no foot long version of the ciabatta.
I don't know if I could just walk into a subway and ask for ciabatta on a normal foot long and get it. The lady didn't know how to bill me for ciabatta it was so new when I tried this and she had to ask a coworker.
Overall, good stuff I think, filled me up for some time but then I ate two of them.
Unique Energy Drink Pure Cane Sugar, I think that's the flavor 'Pure Cane Sugar', is a crazy Red Reishi mushroom beverage that tastes like pear I think.
It's a little hard to tell to be honest, but this stuff does live up to it's name. It will not keep you up like a monster, but for you lightweights this stuff is fine.
The Hummus Guy Organic Garlic & Chives is the kind of hummus you take to you're summer party if you want to keep the mosquitoes and women off you. Well, it it before the party to keep the blood suckers away.
In any case, the fresher this is the better it is but it's still good up until the expiration date, but it may separate just a little. Good stuff, I would get this again.
Twix Dark is your good old Twix with the darker chocolate. It really is a new experience. I can't say that I'd like to have these all the time, but I like that they exist.
I have to say that they are good, but may be not as good as the original. Chang things up a bit and have one of these.
Caffeine, water, and the taste of Mandarin Passion fruit. Hmmm, Avitae is one of those products I have a hard time with because it tastes like other sparkling waters and I can only have it with the better vodka because the bad stuff will come through the taste. I think this is good stuff to have around but it will never replace coffee for me.