Monday, August 31, 2020

Artcome Glass Pitcher

What do you do with an Artcome Glass Pitcher. You drop in a tea bag, fill it with water, and let it sit in your hot car for an hour. Then you have tea. Add some ice, you got ice tea. I got this because I can get my fist inside to clean it. So far, it works really good.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Monster Hydro Mean Green

 Monster Hydro Mean Green is neither mean nor green. The only thing I can say for it is that it goes well with vodka. If you drink this warm and with ice it will taste like nothing. If you drink it cold it will be fine. Monster's attempt at making Gatorade is really coming along. Now we just need to see if it's good at washing away pepper spray and it will be just as good as the real thing.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Sweet Tarts Golden Ropes

 I had no idea what to expect with these Sweet Tarts Golden Ropes. I sure didn't think that fruit was what gold tastes like. As a candy these are very Sweet and Tart, but I don't know if they do Wonder Woman all that much justice. I expected them to be one long piece and, well, taste like caramel. 

All and all, not good, not bad, just kind of there. I don't know if superheros and fattening snacks are a good fit to start with, but I bet Wonder Woman isn't a big fan of these. 

Friday, August 28, 2020

General Mills Drumstick Classic Vanilla Cereal

General Mills Drumstick Classic Vanilla Cereal is a sad shadow of the ice cream it wants to be. I mean, is it bad? No. Bad for you? Yes. Is it as good as a drumstick? No, so much no. The noness of this not being as good as the real deal leaves you wanting for nothing.

This stuff just leaves a bad film in my mouth that makes me want to brush my teeth. I would rather have good old chex over these they are so disappointing.  

Get this for your kids and they will just want the real ice cream. Fail. 

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Fast Bites BBQ Rib Sandwich

 Fast Bites BBQ Rib Sandwich is a delicious soft hot sandwich flavored with brown sugar and sage. I have to say that I really dig these little things, but I have to say they are much smaller than the picture on the box. Also, if you eat one you'll be hungry again in half an hour. Well, that could be because I'm fat. I mean, these things are small, even smaller compared to me.

I have to call these a win, but eat them with vegetables.  They may taste good but they're bad for you. They kill me so good.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Mati Healthy Energy Peach Mango

 Mati Healthy Energy Peach Mango is a low calorie energy drink that tastes like meh. It's not great but it's not bad. I have to say that with a shot of sweet booze this stuff is really good. On it's own not so much, but if you want to drink responsibly this is a great low calorie option.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Zatarain's Spanish Style Brown Rice With Bell Peppers And White Beans

 Zatarain's Spanish Style Brown Rice With Bell Peppers And White Beans is one of those long named products I can't stand. Good thing the flavor is as bad as the name because I couldn't get through this stuff. Oddly, one of my cat's kept coming up and looking at it as I tried to eat. 

I think it was just too salty for me. I'm not a big fan of bell peppers, but I think this stuff is just too rich. If you add some more rice to thin it out it may be okay. Then, what would be the point of that?

Monday, August 24, 2020

Snack Better Sahale Snacks Mango Tango Almond Trail Mix

 Snack Better Sahale Snacks Mango Tango Almond Trail Mix is a sweet but spicy trail mix that packs a lot of flavor in that little pouch. I don't know if I would take this hiking because I don't see it providing the right energy for the trail but at 210 calories I'm sure it can get your blood sugar up. 

I don't normally like dried mango, but this is good stuff. Not good enough to get me off my fat tail, and on a hiking trail, but good none the less.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Talking Rain Peach Nectarine Naturally Flavored Sparkling Water

It's hot, and Talking Rain Peach Nectarine Naturally Flavored Sparkling Water with ice is cold and refreshing. I can't taste much nectarine, but it is very peachy, and I like that. 

Some sparkling waters are harsh and acidic where as this is smooth and mild. I really like this, if you like peach you should try it. 

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Tarall'oro Trafilata Agli Spinaci

 Tarall'oro Trafilata Agli Spinaci is so Italian that I can't even find listings for it in English. If what you want is authentic Italian pasta you can look no further. That said, there is a mild flavor to this and it's harder to get it into the pot than normal spaghetti. 

Fine diners only on this one. You know, just fat people like me.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Aha Sparkling Water Orange + Grapefruit

 Aha Sparkling Water Orange + Grapefruit can't just stick with orange like normal people, but has to add the grapefruit along there so that less people can enjoy it. I mean, citrus overload is a thing but who does it with these two flavors. Is this a thing like Kiwi cherry?

In any case, stuff is fine. Passable, great on a hot day, wouldn't say I loved it, but wouldn't say no to another round.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

First Street Chicken Broth Reduced Sodium

 First Street Chicken Broth Reduced Sodium is a thing...I will never really understand chicken broth. I mean, why don't you just boil the chicken in water and then make chicken broth? I don't know, it just looks like a lot of salt to me. Then they make it with less salt and so you get less. So confused. 

Anyway, I made chicken soup with this and it worked fine. The vet said I should get it for my sick cats but they didn't think much of it. I Normally don't buy this kind of thing but if I did I guess this would be a good one to have around. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Stouffer's Classics Lasagna Italiano

 Stouffer's Classics Lasagna Italiano is not at all Italian. I mean, for Italian food this is so bland. For American food it's okay, but I would make it with more sausage and cheese. It's not bad but rather just kind of okay. I like this stuff, but I wouldn't go out looking for it because it's not that great. 

How they got this to be so middle of the road is in and of itself impressive.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Emmett & Liam's Roasted Pumpkin Seed Seed Butter

 Emmett & Liam's Roasted Pumpkin Seed Seed Butter is what you eat when good old peanut butter isn't cool enough for you anymore. Nut Butter means something different when you're a grown up so this stuff brings me back to my youth. 

Only thing is my mother would have never paid for something this off beat when I was a kid. She wouldn't get me new jeans for school. Mom loved the second hand store and spending money on living and not stuff. But I digress. 

I can't say I would pick this over good old peanut butter. It's good, it's different, it's worth trying. It some how reminded me of my mom and now I feel sad because she died when I was young. 

This is a buy, and I'm going to have a vodka.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Espresso Monster Triple Shot Vanilla Cream

 Espresso Monster  Triple Shot Vanilla Cream tastes like very little. It's not bad, like a smooth chocolate.  The only thing is that it should have Vanilla in a Vanilla Cream, but I couldn't taste a dominant flavor of vanilla.

I mean, not bad but is not what it says what it is.

That, and to get the full flavor you need to shake the heck out of these to get the goo off the bottom. If you do that the can will give you a nice burst of coffee to sent your room for days. 

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Beach Cliff Sardines in Water

Beach Cliff Sardines in Water look nasty and my cats didn't gobble them up the way I thought they would. They make an edible addition to your cabinet and an okay cat food if it comes to that. Past that these are just kind of there, they exist, and you can take or leave them.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Germinal Organic Mini Crackers Rosemary

 Germinal Organic Mini Crackers Rosemary are the kind of thing I had to look at for some time before I figured out what to do with them. I mean, these are small for hors d’oeuvres and dry for eating as they are. 

Then I got the idea of putting them in soup and it worked rather well giving my soup a kick of Rosemary that I rather liked. 

I have to say these are an odd product but worth eating if you have something to have them with. They liven up anything that can use that touch of rosemary.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Artisan Bakers Organic 23 Grains and Seeds Bread

 Artisan Bakers Organic 23 Grains and Seeds Bread is a long lasting good quality bread that makes me feel like a stinky hippy for eating it. I haven't found a combination this doesn't go with but to best show it off I went with grilled cheese.

With all that's going on in this bread you would think it would be like all flavored bagels but no, it really is its own thing. Not bad.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Sobieski Lemon Meringue Vodka

 It's been a long time since I had Lemon Meringue, something I can never say for vodka, but I never did care for the pie. This vodka does not remind me off it all that much. In fact, I would say it has a cotton candy feel with a pleasant burn for the cold weather.

I was saving this stuff because it is so odd and now I'm saving this stuff to liven up drinks I don't care for. If you run into this vodka I would say give it a try. It's scratches and itch I didn't know I had. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Vitamin Water Ice Cool Blueberry-Lavender

Vitamin Water Ice Cool Blueberry-Lavender hasn't a massive amount of taste. I mean, I added an energy shot to a few of these to get them going. It isn't water, but it isn't punch. This is just a lot of stuff and I don't know why anyone would want to drink this. 

It's not bad, it's not good, it just is.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Barbara's Organic Brown Rice Crisps Cereal

Barbara's Organic Brown Rice Crisps Cereal is like good old Rice Krispies, but not all that good. It's more just kind of old. There is no snap, crackle, or pop in these crisps.

If these are to be a replacement for the more common day starter then they are a fail. I didn't hate these I just didn't like them.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Isopure Protein Drink Alpine Punch

 Isopure Protein Drink Alpine Punch is an odd think to drink but it's not bad. I can't put my finger on the flavor, but I think it's Monk Fruit, because that's one of the things in there. The flavor is not at all strong and would be best mixed with sweat alcohols. 

I didn't try this with vodka, don't look at me like that, but I don't think it would go well with that spirit.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Monster Espresso Triple Shot Espresso and Cream

Monster Espresso Triple Shot Espresso and Cream really wants you to know that there is Espresso in there. I mean, they say it in the name twice. To be honest if you're thing is espresso, your crazy, and this is not really for you. Espresso hits hard and jump starts your day. This just isn't it. It also needs a good shake unless you like drinking coffee ooze. Other than that, nice ice coffee really. 

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Banquet Chicken Fried Chicken Meal

 Banquet Chicken Fried Chicken Meal almost tastes like food. It does not taste like food but it is near enough to food that if you are hungry it will food enough. 

The 'chicken' has a not chick like nature to it that only comes from processing and the grave is too thin and lacking in sausage. Of all the Banquet meals this one does not make me sick. That is a low bar, but if you can food it food it and don't be hungry.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Roberts A-1 Premium Long Grain Enriched Rice

 Roberts A-1 Premium Long Grain Enriched Rice is white rice. I mean, as rice goes it's rice. What do you say about rice. It fills you up and doesn't have stuff in it that shouldn't be there. Good job, rice.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Simple 7 Lentil Chips White Cheddar

 Simple 7 Lentil Chips White Cheddar smell like feet. I mean, the taste wonderful but their pungent cheesy smell makes them like old gym socks. Once you get past that you can't stop eating them.

As an added negative my old socks now remind me of these chips and I have to resist trying them. Oh and I a fat man. Mmmm socks

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Banquet Cheesy Patty with Mashed Potatoes

 Banquet Cheesy Patty with Mashed Potatoes looks like a new take on Salisbury Steak. It's bad for you but, well, tastes okay. I've come to expect almost nothing from Banquet at this point and still I keep buying more of their products. 

Maybe this is because I have a blog where I review things and these are inexpensive, fast, and easy to photograph.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Hamburger Helper Southwest Pasta

Hamburger Helper Southwest Pasta will give you a lumpy mass of hardly edible stuff that tastes almost Mexican. It is still white person food no matter how you sling it, but I wouldn't sling it because it just isn't very good. 

It will also be hell to get out of your pan so if you try this crap be ready to spend some time cleaning.  Fail!

Monday, August 3, 2020

Tweaker Energy Drink

I knew a dude who called himself Tweaker in high school. He had no balls, and neither does this Energy Drink. It tastes nasty, I mean, kind of like Red Bull I guess, but nothing I would want to drink. 

Does it do much? Well, not for me. I kind of drink these all the time and they don't have a lot of kick for me anyway. 

Look, this stuff has a fun name and could really use some whisky to liven it up, but other than that it wont bring the party. Drink responsibly, and only go for this if you can get it at a good price like I did.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Eat Smart Green Beans Steam in the Bag

Eat Smart Green Beans Steam in the Bag are a fine idea if you really like green beans or if you have a family of four. The problem there is that I do not have a family of four and was forced to add something to green beans because I hate them so. 

If you want a massive amount of bland green beans this will work for you, or you can just open the pack and cook them like normal people.  However, green beans are still green beans and will always taste like that.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Cascadian Farms Organic Fruit & Nut Granola

Since 2016 I can't look at a raisin without thinking of Hillary Clinton. Cascadian Farms Organic Fruit & Nut Granola does and okay job of making those raisins look like something else until you open the box and put this on your yogurt. They should call this Raisin Granola but then no one would buy it.