Saturday, August 10, 2024

Green Giant Baby Brussels Sprouts & Butter Sauce

Baby Brussels Sprouts & Butter Sauce feel like a throwback to when it was hard to preserve food so we added a fat to keep the bugs off. It was a simpler time when we knew little about nutrition. 

Green Giant Baby Brussels Sprouts & Butter Sauce is part of there simple steam line meaning that it comes in a microwaveable pack. These are easy to store, quick and simple to make, and better than not having vegetables. 

The fact that you only have one vegetable is a down side but if you're making these for a family you can grill ups some carrots and cauliflower then toss these on top and mix them in. 

Flavor wise, these are fine, I would add pepper if I were eating these on their own. They are one more food that is unoffensive and unoffensive is a good thing with vegetables.  

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