Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Poky Strawberry Cream Biscuit Sticks


My understanding of Japan is that a good number of their products don’t have the strength of flavor as American Candy. American candy is so supersaturated with sugar that it makes other countries candy taste bland. This is odd given that our protein is normally saturated with salt.

Strawberry Cream Poky Biscuit Sticks reinforce this idea by offering a mildly flavored strawberry experience that doesn’t remind me of the candy I used to eat as a dumb child.

The big thing about us Americans is that we so often want quantity over quality and these are a little more in the way of quality. The ones I got were stuck together which did detract from my experience but they went so well with coffee I had one of those nice food moments that doesn’t go away.

What I’m saying is that I liked these as much for their flavor a the moment of joy they gave me sitting in the kitchen, drinking my coffee, with a cat rubbing against my leg. These are a buy.

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