Monday, September 9, 2024

Ono Hawaiian BBQ Crab Rangoon

 Crab Rangoon, let me look up Rangoon, ah, a Rangoon is a wanton or crisp filled dumpling so Crab Rangoon is a crisp wanton with crab inside.

At Ono Hawaiian BBQ you can get Crab Rangoon is a three or six piece and I would advise you to eat them fast because they do lose there crisp in the middle with time.  This does not make them bad, far from it, I would say they were good.

I’ve never been a big crab eater as crab is a bit past my budget or at least restaurants that serve crab are the kind I rarely visit. This blog isn’t popular enough to warrant find dining. So crab isn’t something I can really say I know much about. I can say that this crab was not fishy. I would get it again but then it is a bit pricey so I probably won’t.

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