Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Yum Yum Donuts Glazed Twist

 After a party at my work we had Yum Yum Donuts left over for the night shift. Take that into account that after a whole shift no one wanted this thing so I figured I’d get a review in before tossing it into the trash.

Let me first say that it is spelled doughnut. This is because the word is a combination of dough and nut. It is a nut like you would put on a screw and dough as in to make bread out of. Donuts, on the other hand make no sense and would be a combination of do and nut sounding like something a porn star would say.

This doughnut is good only as you eat the glaze. The dough part is flavorless and should be cut down on to make the doughnut taste better.

I do need to point out that I had a Yum Yum Donuts doughnut just as they were being taken into the brake room and that tasted like crap as well. All in all, I don’t know how these people stay in business.

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