Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Long Chips Sour Cream & Onion

 Long Chips are made from mashed potatoes and are thinner and lighter than normal crisps. I do believe they would be crisps and not true chips as in America a chip is a sliced potato that is cooked where these are a mash. They are something like Pringles but lighter and more potato. 

I can't say much for them as they have little flavor. I wouldn't call them good or bad but just kind of there. They are something to try, they pack well, and you get a lot of them in that little pack. This would be good for distance hiking.  

I can detect no Sour Cream or Onion, but this is kind of English food which tends to be bland. 

Monday, April 29, 2024

McDonald’s Honey Mustard Sauce

When I said I wanted to try all the sauces that they have at McDonald’s I knew they had Honey Mustered, but now I think they really should stop saying that they do. There wasn’t much flavor to this honey mustard and it didn’t stick to my nuggets all that well.

I’m not saying this is bad, but it really has little in the way of flavor. This could use more of everything flavor wise and isn’t all that great. It’s not bad, just not good.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Tastee Choice Linguine Del Pescatore

 Tastee Choice Linguine Del Pescatore, it looks so fancy and has a flea market name. 'Tastee Choice', it just sounds like the cook can't spell. If I had looked at the brand name before buying it would have save me from this product. I had gotten it on sale so I shouldn't complain I guess.

Anyway, did it taste bad? No, it just didn't taste good, but my cats loved it. They went and made a mess with what I didn't eat which was most of it given that it just didn't taste very good. 

It was fishy and very noodly. I'm mean, had I been hungry I guess I would have eaten more but I just didn't really have an appetite for these noodles..

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Jell-O Gummy Candy Lime Berry Blue Strawberry

 Jell-O Gummy Candy Lime Berry Blue Strawberry feel made to disappoint. Not as flavorful as other gummy candy I've had these are just kind of there. Really, they should have made these less chewy and more like fruit snacks.

Then again, as these things are bad for you I'm glad I won't miss them. You see, I'm fat and shouldn't eat these.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Marie Callender's Classic Spaghetti and Meatballs

Frozen or canned spaghetti has always been a product that puzzled me.  I mean, it's so easy to make spaghetti. Spaghetti and meatballs is not Italian, buy the way, Spaghetti is, and meatballs in sauce are a thing but the combination is American. 

Marie Callender's Classic Spaghetti and Meatballs is surprisingly good. I mean, I think I still have some frozen spaghetti I got at a good price that was not worth it in my freezer.

The four meatballs this came with were firm and made of meat. It tasted like real meat. I mean, real meat, and the sauce tasted good. This is really good for frozen spaghetti. It feels sad and wrong, but tastes great.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Jack in the Box Egg Rolls

 I would have had these Jack in the Box Egg Rolls with sauce but instead of giving me the honey mustard they just gave me mustard and that doesn’t feel right. I don’t know, they could be good with mustard, but you couldn’t dip them in the packets they gave me.

Anyway, most of the time when I get these, they are rather good, but do understand that they do not last long and are bad when cold and not good when reheated. I would only get these if you are sure to eat them.

Also, there was a time or two when they tasted off. I ate them anyway and didn’t get sick but they tasted off. Past that, these are unoffensive and have a good texture to them. I also believe they are slightly more vegetably than other foods you get at Jack in the Box so they may be almost good for you.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Polar Seltzer Cranberry Line

 I was at work one day in a hot room when we ran out of normal water and I passed a coworker one of my Polar Seltzer. He was very taken with the beverage, and I guess he had a point because this a smoother seltzer. You can get it at Wallmart so it's common.

 The Cranberry Line flavor is a little on the lime side of things. I can't taste any cranberry. Past that I like the flavor but I just don't notice the cranberry. I live in Ca and I'm a diabetic. I drink a lot of water. I will buy more of this.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Snapps Mozzarella Sticks

 Snapps Mozzarella Sticks were at my local dollar tree and I got a few boxes. They don't come out like the box looks but they taste okay. Well, they don't taste all that much but I had dipping sauce to dip them in so win. 

I liked them so much I went and got more. Then I cooked them way to long and made all the cheese run out. Other than the fact that I think you need to make these in the oven I think they're good to have.

That would be why I need to stop buying them, because I eat them all and I'm fat.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Jack in the Box Jack's Famous Buttermilk Ranch Dressing

 Jack in the Box Jack's Famous Buttermilk Ranch Dressing was almost half the calories of this salad, but I used it sparingly. It was okay, I'm not a big fan of white goo you drape all over green things. 

If you eat this salad you should use as little of this as possible to keep it good for you. Also it would not be good to get this on your person.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Boston Market Chicken Bacon Ranch

 In the world of Boston Market and their home style meals Chicken Bacon Ranch isn’t very good for you. It takes a group of things that belong on salad and freezes them. I would have thought the ranch would have been dominant in this flavor mix but it isn't, and the bacon is almost lost. 

As another point, that is some of the worst bacon I’ve had. It’s just the bits of gristle that is left over in some industrial process made to look like bacon.

I still found this to be edible but underwhelming.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Del Taco Carne Asada Steak and Cheddar Quesadilla


Everyone loves a good Quesadilla, but the Del Taco Carne Asada Steak and Cheddar aren’t that great. They should drop the Carne Asada part and drop it to just beef. There is a bit of flavor in that beef but not enough for it to be anything but beef.


I’ve had better Quesadillas in my life, but this one is just kind of there. I wouldn’t get it again.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Green Giant Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrots & Cheese Sauce

 Green Giant Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrots & Cheese Sauce looks so much better on the box because the box has better ingredients on it. I guess these simple steam packs are just made for low quality vegetable cuts. 

To say it was disappointing is a little harsh, given that I knew what I was getting into when I saw these having tried a few of these simple steam items before. Still, they are sad for vegetables. 

I guess we as Americans should eat more ugly vegetables to reduce food waste.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

McDonald’s Quarter Pounder with Cheese

 When you’re a food blogger you need to make time for the classics and McDonald’s Quarter Pounder with Cheese is as classic as American hamburgers go. I’m told that Burger King wanted to compete with the Quarter Pounder, but Americans thought that their Third Pounder was smaller.

Thus, the Quarter Pounder became America’s burger out of American stupidity. We are a dumb but burger loving people.

The Quarter Pounder with Cheese is a strong burger being of a good size, flavorful, and having the meat from a whole herd of cows mixed into it. The only way to make it more American would be to make ten more and dump them in the trash.

Great burger, I hate food waist.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Zoe's Meats Organic Apple & Cheddar Chicken Sausage

 Zoe's Meats Organic Apple & Cheddar Chicken Sausage is a fully cooked sausage that has reasonable stability in your refrigerator. It being chicken sausage it does not have the texture of normal sausage and has a very different mouth feel. 

I could not detect the flavor of cheddar but there was some apple to this even as it wasn't much. Overall the flavor wasn't very strong.

Where this sausage does stand out is that it is on the wet side and will leave drippings in your pan. This is great if you want to grill some vegetables in them. If you wanted to stretch this sausage for a family you could cut it up, fry it, and add vegetables which would take on it's flavor. 

This is a worthwhile product for those of you trying to eat better. Me, I'm still a fat pig.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Jack in the Box Grilled Chicken Sandwich

I'm writing this when I'm hungry so I'd like another of these Jack in the Box Grilled Chicken Sandwich. If has chicken, Jack's Good Good Sauce, lettuce, tomatoes, on a grill sourdough bun. 

If it didn't squish around so much this would be a great sandwich. I mean, it needed a toothpick to hold it together. Past that, it was also a bit messy. I mean, don't eat this in your car unless you don't mind cleaning up afterwards. 

This wasn't bad, it just needed some better trappings. 

Monday, April 15, 2024

Banquet Mega Meals Salisbury Steak Frozen Dinner

 Banquet Mega Meals Salisbury Steak Frozen Dinner is a lot of low quality meat. I wouldn't call it good so much as I would call it unoffensive. I don't know why meat of this poor quality is still a thing given that we have alternatives. 

I would say if your hitting the gym like its been talking about your mom then this is a good meal. If you haven't then you should eat something with balance.  

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Ramune Japanese Soda Grape


Ramune Grape Japanese Soda is a little on the bitter side. Japanese soda is like that not being as sugary as the American version. This is a simple sipping soda with a marble inside that makes you drink it slow. 

It's an odd bird and worth a try if you like grape.

Truly Hard Seltzer Pool Side Piña Colada Style

 Truly Hard Seltzer Pool Side Piña Colada Style didn't taste like crap. I mean, it smells like pineapple and taste like meh. I would never get it again but I could drink the last can as apposed to tossing it out like all the other stuff I tried from truly.

I would give it to my drunk neighbor, but then he'd just start coming to my house every day asking for more booze because he'll drink anything. 

Man, I need more friends who like booze but I need more friends who have something to contribute. Everyone I know is poor and most of them live to far away for it too be worth me pawning this crud off on them.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Hilco Kool-Aid Gum Cherry

 Kool-Aid Cherry should taste like cherries, shouldn’t it? Should it have a flavor of its own that can be copied?  It really doesn’t matter because this chewing gum loses flavor so fast you’ll never know what the flavor was anyway. You will then be left chewing something with a mild sweet flavor and a softer rubbery texture.


I can see why this gum isn’t easy to find. I used to chew gum until it broke up and my mouth and I had to get another piece to shew the bits into. This would be great for that because the gum is just not worth chewing for flavor.

Friday, April 12, 2024

McDonald’s Spicy Deluxe McCrispy

 So at McDonald’s ‘spicy’ is a sauce an deluxe means you get a lot of lettuce and some tomatoes. You get so much lettuce that it falls out of the bun and all over the floor. There was a lot of sauce in this McDonald’s Spicy Deluxe McCrispy and that got all over the place but did live up to its name.

I needed water after eating this but I must admit it was good enough to buy again.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Bush's Best Flavor Fusions Garlic Smashed Sweet Chili Baked Beans

 Bush's Best has never been my go to for baked beans. I don't have baked beans that often and if I did I would need to keep trying new ones. Their Flavor Fusions Garlic Smashed Sweet Chili Baked Beans has one of those long names I detest in products, because it doesn't look good on my blog. 

The beans themselves are fine. I mean, they're not that flavorful, but are fine as beans go. They have a little kick to them, but it's so small that you wouldn't need water to wash it down. 

If you like it hot these will not heat you up. They taste good enough.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Norm's Famous Charbroiled Burgers French Fries

 Norm's Famous Charbroiled Burgers French Fries are there to fill you up. They are something to put ketchup on and nothing more. This is not to say that there is anything wrong with them but rather that there is nothing interesting about them. 

They are french fries and there is nothing wrong with that.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

C4 Energy Drink Frozen Bombsicle

 C4 is something of a workout oriented Energy Drink featuring things other than caffeine to get your pump on.  This is the kind of thing you should only drink when you're hitting the gym hard and not on days when you're just getting your cardio on. 

Can it help you get that summer body? Yeah, sure can, just as well as coffee and good diet. Just remember that it only works if you do. 

 The Frozen Bombsicle is blue raspberry flavor only as it's not blue they shouldn't call it that. Tastes okay.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Wendy’s New Orange Dreamsicle Frosty

Wendy’s New Orange Dreamsicle Frosty is a thing you can buy. I don’t think that the Wendy’s I went to will be open much longer given how the whole place was giving me the stink eye as I was eating, but I hope that didn’t change my opinion of the food. I don’t get to Wendy’s often and that’s because their food has never impressed me.

This doesn’t impress me any more than their other food does. It’s creamy and has an orange flavor.  It’s not bad but it’s not cold weather food and this is still as cold as you really get in my home town.

I’ve never been nostalgic for that orange ice-cream flavor and if you’re not into soft serve then this isn’t for you. Me, I would never get this again but I didn’t dislike it in any way. It was fine and for fast food like this fine is what you expect.

Fruity King Mini Fruit Punch Soda

 Fruity King Mini Fruit Punch Soda is kind of on the strange side. It's eighty calories and that's almost a whole soda in less than half the fluid. The point is lost on me with these having more sugar per volume than a normal soda.

I mean, sure, it is small but man is there a lot of sugar in there. Tastes good I guess. 

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Boston Market At Home Crustless Chicken Pot Pie

Crustless Chicken Pot Pie is a thing. I didn’t know it was a thing, but this is the second one I’ve tried. This is a sad thing because they serve this with mashed potatoes. What a tragic waste of an opportunity for shepherd’s pie.

The worst part about this is the flavorless onions that still have a crisp to them and crunch in your mouth but add nothing to the dish. I would have used green onions myself which have a better texture and add more to the look of the food.

Past that this wasn’t bad but I found myself adding the potatoes to the ‘pie’ to sop up all the sauce.

I wouldn’t get this again.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Dickey's Barbecue pit Original Barbecue Beans

 I have never been to a Dickey's Barbecue pit and their Original Barbecue Beans were not bad but not enough to get me there. There are three of these restaurants near enough to me, but I stopped going out before the pandemic. 

I've had beans on many occasions. I was once a big fan of canned beans one could buy at Costco but they changed their brand. If they sold these beans I would have been fine with that, so there are worse beans on the market. They didn't give me gas which is a plus.

To put a point on this, these are good enough, not great, but good enough. 

Friday, April 5, 2024

Jack in the Box Chicken Teriyaki Bowl


If you were hankering for a microwave teriyaki bowl and couldn’t find one your old pal Jack’s got you covered with this out of the microwave disappointment. It’s good for what it is but could use more vegetables. I guess it has enough chicken, it could have more but when is that not true, but the picture had more broccoli.

As I’m sure this is the only thing on the menu with broccoli. Getting your vegetables is really important in the modern day and so the broccoli is something I want in large numbers.

I have to say that save for being something you can’t eat on the go this is a nice thing to add to your lunch. Still out of a microwave but so is all the food at Starbucks.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Kit Kat Duos Dark Chocolate Mint

 Kit Kat Duos Dark Chocolate Mint could use more mint and the dark chocolate isn't all that dark. It tastes like one of those after dinner mints only bigger and with wafer. 

I wouldn't call it all that different than normal mint Kit Kat so it feels redundant. 

It's not bad but it could have been better. Sin of the middle of the road.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Long Chips Original Mashed Potato Snack

I wasn't a fan of Long Chips Mashed Potato Snack when I first tried them but the Original flavor is really addictive. These would kick major tail on a long hike or camping trip and would be easy to pack and harder to smash than normal chips. 

The only thing I dislike about these chips is that you can't close the pack as easily as say Pringles. I mean, it's best to have chips you don't have to eat all at once but I think I would eat these all at once anyway.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Jack in the Box Sausage Croissant

 I don't really recall my Sausage Croissant from Jack in the Box having sausage. You can't see any sausage and it doesn't taste like much. Jack sells the morning food all day but it's forgettable in nature. 

I mean, this is food, it fills you up, but it has little in the way of worth past that point. 

Monday, April 1, 2024

Oreo Carrot Cake

 Oreo Carrot Cake cookies are not much like carrot cake. The cream is dead on but the cookies aren't at all carrot like. This could be because carrot cake is all about texture and mouth feel. This is not to say that these were bad but rather they were not very carrot cake. 

If you like carrot cake you should get carrot cake, but these are okay.