Sunday, December 31, 2023

Bud Light Apple Slice Cranberry Apple

 Bud Light Apple Slice Cranberry Apple is better than the Crisp Apple flavor. I have to say I like this one. I normally hate drinks like this so this is very good for what it is. I couldn't get drunk off this unless I hadn't eaten.

Still, at your New Years party this would keep your buzz going and not make you want to vomit. 

If you get this box then reach for the cranberry , it's not bad. 

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Mission Vegan Protein Plant Powered Tortillas

 Mission Vegan Protein Plant Powered Tortillas are passable, but not to be eaten cold. I didn't eat enough of them to see if they give you the killer farts of a vegan, but then I don't think I want to know. 

I will say that it's against type to have these with turkey as seen here, but you can pretend that is tofu if you like. 

The bar for vegan food is low. These get a pass. Where as they are not the best tortillas Mission makes they are okay.

Friday, December 29, 2023

Swiss Miss Unicorn Marshmallows Hot Cocoa Mix

 Swiss Miss Unicorn Marshmallows Hot Cocoa Mix is hot coca with unicorn vomit on top. Why we love to make things look like unicorn vomit I will never know, but here it is, unicorn vomit topped cocoa.

Stuff is okay, but the whole unicorn vomit puts me off a bit. I'm not a big fan of hot cocoa so this would never have appealed to me, but you unicorn vomit fans will love it I'm sure.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Sprecher Cream Soda

With the New Year on the horizon you may be thinking of cream soda and whiskey. Well, I'm thinking of cream soda and whiskey. This is the only time of year I do think of cream soda but I normally think of whiskey.  

Sprecher fire-brewed craft soda feels like it takes it self to seriously. My kind of soda really, and their Cream Soda offering is smooth as silk. 

If you want to took like your drinking booze this year or you want something to put booze in this is a great product. I need to enjoy in moderation, but I'm not you.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Complements STEVIA Zero Calorie Sweetener

 Complements STEVIA Zero Calorie Sweetener doesn't taste like sugar. It's not bad and will work if you need to choke down bitter coffee in the black. 

However, the goal will always be to make something that tastes like sugar and is zero calories and this just falls short of that goal. I think it's better than some of the sweeteners I have had. 

Again, sweeteners can do bad things to the body. For me that comes with shortness of breath and red stuff leaking out of my tail and burning. I haven't noticed any of that with this but then I haven't had a whole lot of the stuff. 

Stevia is not a magic way of dropping the pounds and it should be had in some form of moderation. If you need this kind of thing the best thing to do is try it and see how it feels.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Reese's Chocolate Peanut Butter Holiday Lights

 Nice try, Reese's. You think just because you're delicious I will fail to notice that these are just Easter eggs wrapped in foil? Really, these even have an Easter egg pattern on them when you unwrap them. 

These things are the stuff I don't want sitting around my house because I can't stop eating them. They are just too good. I mean, the right amount of peanut butter to chocolate. Down they go, and I just keep getting fatter.   

Yeah, these are so a win if you get the half off tomorrow. 

Monday, December 25, 2023

Mint M&M's

 Christmas is a time to do unspeakable things to chocolate. One of those unspeakable things is adding mint to Milk Chocolate M&M's. The mint doesn't go with it at all, and that just makes them a step down from the normal variety. 

I got these last year and I can see why they were left over after everyone else went and got their fill of food that will eventually kill them.  

If you like mint you may like these but I would still only buy them at a discount. Mint M&M's are just not that great.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Reese’s Peanut Brittle Cups

 Reese’s Peanut Brittle Cups are a strong addition to the Reese's family. I wouldn't say they are better than the original, but at least just as strong. 

If you ever went to one of those off bran burger places and ran into a pineapple shake you find out it's just as good as the strawberry. Well, that's what it's like for these. I would never stop eating normal Reese's for them, but I like having them around.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Sabra Olive Tapenade Hummus

 Sabra Olive Tapenade Hummus has olives on it but not in it. I would have thought there would be olives in the hummus, but there are no olives to be found. This means that it will look good at your holiday party but not after the top get scraped off. Then you're left with normal hummus. It's not that impressive.

Friday, December 22, 2023

M&M's Espresso

 Ah, nothing fills me with the memories of when my blood relatives still spoke to me like M&M's Espresso. Sharing my chocolate with the ungrateful leaches was one of the few things we liked to do together. Maybe that's why we were all fat slobs. 

Anyway, these are a must try for any coffee lover out there. As for me, if I were not so fat I would have gotten a case of these and kept them in my freezer. I love them so. 

Thursday, December 21, 2023

M&M’S White Chocolate Pretzel Snowballs Holiday Candy

 M&M’S White Chocolate Pretzel Snowballs Holiday Candy are super crunchy M&M's with a strong salt kick to them. I honestly can't say they do it for me. I'd rather have normal M&M's. I mean, these things are different, but they don't have enough chocolate. 

I can't say I dislike these but they just don't stand up to the good old fashion milk chocolate or Peanut. 

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Reese's Potato Chips Big Cup

 Of the foods I have added potato chips to chocolate has never been one. I guess that was a failing on my part because these Reese's Potato Chips Big Cup are rather good. The chips stay crisp in there some how and the burst of salt really makes the flavors pop. 

It really feels like the world is trying to come up with more and more ways to make people as fat as me and yet I'm the only person as fat as me that I see. I eat these things and then feel bad that I ate them. 

If you're not fat like me you should try these. I should give the rest of them away. 

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Bom Bombs Hot Chocolate Bombs

Having tried five flavors of these Bom Bombs Hot Chocolate Bombs I can say that I'm not a fan. The flavors are mild, the chocolate doesn't melt, and they take longer than normal hot coco. 

If I want to add these to my coffee I have to heat it up hotter than normal coffee and then wait for it to cool off. The cup is then harder to clean.  

I'll stick with my old coco powder or take my coffee black over these any day. 

Monday, December 18, 2023

KitKat Gingerbread Cookie

 KitKat Gingerbread Cookie are a fine addition to the KitKat Family. I have to say that they are as good as they should be but I wouldn't stop getting normal  KitKat. I haven't had a normal KitKat in years because I'm too fat to eat them. 

These have a strong enough flavor so that you know what they are but not so much to sting. I've had ginger beer that melted the skin off my lips. 

If you like ginger ale and gingerbread cookies then these are your jam. Just don't expect them to kick you in the mouth like some ginger products do.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Ten Acre Gifts 3 PUMPKIN SPICE Hot Cocoa Bombs

 'Ten Acre Gifts 3 PUMPKIN SPICE Hot Cocoa Bombs' are a bad idea mixed with a bad idea. You can taste some spice, but not enough to make it good and the cocoa all ends up at the bottom of the cup. Why people keep making these bombs is clearly because people keep buying them, and they make a mess.

I got these off the discount rack and they were too much for what I got then. I will admit they are better than the packs of one flavor each that imply one person will drink the whole thing. At least you can share this with a friend or loved one. 

This is an improvement on sad crap, but only in the sad department.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Terry's White Chocolate Orange

Terry's White Chocolate Orange is a new lighter take on the chocolate oranges of my youth. I've had less than a dozen of these in my life and this is the only one that was white. 

The lighter chocolate flavor brings out the orange and defines this as a real treat. The only thing I missed was a friend to share this with. I hate eating a whole one of these, because I'm a fat pig.  

Now I could eat a whole one of these because I'm depressed. 

Friday, December 15, 2023

Hershey's Hot Cocoa Kisses

 Hershey's Hot Cocoa Kisses are good in every way save for being an improvement over the Hershey's Kisses. I don't eat a lot of chocolate any more and that which I do it is always got to be something I haven't had before. For that reason I got these Hershey's Hot Cocoa Kisses and they are fine. I would rather have the original, because those are better, but these are fine. 

Hot cocoa is, well, chocolate flavored. These have that marshmallow inside and that makes them more chocolate covered marshmallow then anything else. 

You'll never forget your first kiss. I guess that applies to chocolate.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Jack In The Box Mini Cinnis

 Jack In The Box Mini Cinnis come in a five or ten pack and are very unimpressive. They don't taste much like cinnamon and they aren't very flavorful in any regard. They gave me two forks with my order so I guess these come with one but they aren't really sticky enough to be that fork worthy. 

These are just dead calories, and I wouldn't get them again.

Bombombs Hot Chocolate Bombs Milk Chocolate

 Bombombs Hot Chocolate Bombs Milk Chocolate is what you get when you want to frustrate your children. I guess it teaches you that things come to those who wait but not good things. 

They are not as good as normal hot coco and most of the chocolate can end up in the bottom if you don't get them hot enough. Heat them up in the microwave and the marshmallows dissolve. 

Why do people keep buying these?!

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Norm's Famous Charbroiled Burgers Fried zucchini

 Norm's Famous Charbroiled Burgers on Whittier Blvd in Whittier California is not famous for Fried Zucchini. The mushrooms tend to be out of stalk. Why can I never get the mushrooms? I go to this place because they're good for my local community and they never have mushrooms. 

Anyway, this is bland as all hell, and only as good as what you dip it in. If you like salsa you better ask for some, because this is bland.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Jack in the Box Stacked Bagel Breakfast Sandwich

 Jack in the Box 'Stacked Bagel Breakfast Sandwich' is a lot of sandwich. It's rather wet and unstable. I admit that I thought it was okay but could have had more flavor. 

This is what you eat when you're hung over and need the heft to settle your gut. It would not work as well as V8. It is also not as good as the golden arches, but they are the king of fast food morning and Jack in the Box is just the jester. 

You shouldn't be running to try this but it isn't bad. 

LavAzza Classico Coffee Blend Medium Roast

 LavAzza Classico Coffee Blend Medium Roast is a mild amber colored coffee. I would say it's good if you know how to make coffee which I do. There isn't much past that, but if you need coffee for your hangover, and many will soon, this is good coffee.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Kerwin Frost McNugget Buddies McDonald's Happy Meal 2023 BRRRICK

 Kerwin Frost McNugget Buddies are now at McDonald's and this is "BRRRICK". This is a combination of the words burr and Rick. Or is it Brick? I guess it doesn't matter. 

Anyway, this is probably about as good for you as a McNugget given that the meat in there is full of stuff that doesn't belong in humans, but this is a fun toy I guess. 

It comes in three parts. There is the head dress, the body, and the feet. Three things that can tumble out of the box when you open it and get lost.

I mean, I don't know who Kerwin Frost is and but I normally don't like it if my food has a face. How do these things feel about being eaten? I eat way too many McNuggets so if these make them less appealing to me that's a good thing, but then I eat them, and I should know better.

Bud Light Seltzer Apple Slice Crisp Apple

 Bud Light Seltzer Apple Slice Crisp Apple smells like a crisp apple, but it doesn't taste like one. I mean, it is apple but not crisp and I wouldn't call it good or bad. 

On a hot day I would drink a good amount of this to cool off, but in the milder days of the California fall what you have is a drink to keep the party buzzed rather than something to cool you off. 

Good job, Bud Light, you made a drink that is there but not good enough for me to want more. If you're buying this for your party people will only drink it to get drunk. 

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Bombombs Hot Chocolate Bombs Cinnamon

 The Idea of the hot coco bomb is rather odd. Let's take hot coco and make it more complicated, take longer, and make it harder to ship. The idea of this Cinnamon Bombombs Hot Chocolate Bombs is to take that odd idea and lie to you about the flavor which honestly had no cinnamon that I could detect. 

I feel this level of fail is very much upsetting. To think I waited for that bomb to melt in my milk. 

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Norm's Famous Charbroiled Burgers Triple Threat Burrito

Norm's Famous Charbroiled Burgers Triple Threat Burrito is enough burrito for me to not be able to finish it in shop. Eggs, sausage, bacon, and diced ham all together with greasy hash browns, and two kinds of cheese. 

This would have been better had the hash browns been more crisp. On it's own the burrito is too bland to be good. I wouldn't call it bad, but I had held off eating and even being hungry didn't really love this burrito.

Shame, Norm's Famous Charbroiled Burgers is a business that supports my community but I can't go saying it's great.

Do better, you can do so much better!

Friday, December 8, 2023

Old Home Brown'n Serve Rolls

  Old Home Brown'n Serve Rolls are a quick way to get food in your guests mouth this holiday and make them fuller faster so the good food isn't eaten up and your not left with nothing but salad for leftovers. 

These are made to be eaten with something so brushing them with garlic butter as apposed to the recommended butter, or adding cheese would be one way to spice them up for company. 

Were as I can't say these were really good I can't find any way to improve them as a product. Okay job, no notes.

Vanilla Bean Popcorn by Popcornopolis

 Vanilla Bean Popcorn by Popcornopolis tastes great but needs more vanilla. I mean, come on, it has vanilla in the name. Why don't I taste any vanilla. 

Other than that, I can't stop eating it.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Chips Ahoy! Chewy Confetti Cake Chocolate Chip Cookies with Sprinkles

 Chips Ahoy! Chewy Confetti Cake Chocolate Chip Cookies with Sprinkles have a very long name. I mean, how much do you need to say about cookies in a name. If the cookies were as good as the name is long then these would be the best cookies I'd have ever had. 

These cookies are, well, okay. I don't think much of them. I don't have a thing for chewy cookies to start with but these had too much going on. I'd skip these myself, but if you like it chewy they may just be underwhelming.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Bombombs Hot Chocolate Bombs Salted Caramel

In addition to taking longer than normal hot coco  Salted Caramel Bombombs Hot Chocolate Bombs don't taste much like caramel. They are rich and I'll likely drop a few in my coffee, but at least they do come with a good amount of marshmallows.

Monday, December 4, 2023

Bang Birthday Cake Bash

 Have you ever wanted to drink a birthday cake? No, why would you want to do that? I mean, come on, just why. Well Bang has this Birthday Cake Bash which tastes and smells a good deal like birthday cake. 

I still object to the idea of birthday cake being a flavor. I know a man who like lemons cake for his birthday and another who always got marble. Birthday cake should be whatever you want it to be. 

Past that, stuff really tastes like vanilla cake. 

Sunday, December 3, 2023

HMR Penne Pasta with Meatballs

HMR is some kind of diet food that came up when I was googling MREs. This is because they don't need to be refrigerated and can be eaten cold. Their Penne Pasta with Meatballs could use some more meatballs. It could use some more flavor as well. 

I guess if I salted this it would have been great but, being health food, it was bland. 

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Bombombs Hot Chocolate Bombs Strawberry

 Strawberry has to be the most distinctive flavor in my pack of Bombombs Hot Chocolate Bombs. That's something of a low bar as none of these have much flavor. 

The strawberry flavor is there but hardly but there is more of it than the smore flavor I can tell you that.  

I think this is a fail. 

Friday, December 1, 2023

Werther's Original Soft Caramels Cinnamon Creme

 Werther's Original Soft Caramels Cinnamon Creme great us like old friends at the store every year around the holidays and I have to admit that this is my first time trying them. Not bad for soft candy. 

They have an old fashioned feel to them and aren't too rich so that most folks will enjoy them. 

If you want some candy with a down home feel these are your jam. They may not be as sugary as some other candies but they are great to put out in a candy dish. 

These are a buy.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Nonni's Gingerbread Biscotti

Nonni's Gingerbread Biscotti really could use more ginger. I mean, It was fine but there was a lack of ginger. I would expect gingerbread biscotti to have a snap to it and this wasn't all that snappy. 

If you're looking for the strong flavor of ginger this will disappoint but they are otherwise good.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

HMR Chicken Enchiladas with Tomatillo Sauce

 HMR Chicken Enchiladas with Tomatillo Sauce have no chicken. They are a sad semblance of enchilada as they have no chicken. The thing to do with these is to add chicken.  


Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Athenos Hummus Supremely Spicy

 Athenos Hummus Supremely Spicy is not so spicy. All the spice is in that red patch at the center, and you can control the spicy by getting as much red as you want on your chips. 

This is the kind of hummus that you really need to get used to, but if you don't like spicy you can really make it what you want. Then again, there is always that one dude at the party who will scoop the lot of the flavor out of the middle and eat the hole thing to prove that he is hard. 

Then he brags about it at every party he goes to for a few years, and we all hate him, and it's your fault for buying this hummus. 

Life is not fair.

Monday, November 27, 2023

Bom Bombs Hot Chocolate Bombs Milk Chocolate

 Bom Bombs Hot Chocolate Bombs Milk Chocolate is a flavor of hot chocolate bomb that really is odd. I mean, you put it in milk so if it wasn't milk chocolate already it is now. Its kind of like calling your pancake mix milk flavored.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Starbucks Hot Chocolate

 Starbucks Hot Chocolate is a hot but slightly bitter drink that looks nothing like I thought it would. All the pictures show more topping. 

Anyway, this was not worth it, because I could have made better hot chocolate at home. I would say that it gained some flavor as I drank but none of that flavor was good. 

I had this with some cookies, and a good hot coffee would have gone better and had more body to it.  

I almost never go to Starbucks, but the whole boycott I ran into online told me that it was worth giving it a shot. Ticking off terrorists is a good thing and they have a hard on for this coffee house. However, drinking this makes me think it's because they shopped there.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Albertsons Fresh Baked Chocolate Chip Muffins

 Albertsons Fresh Baked Chocolate Chip Muffins are another disappointment from the Albertsons bakery. They're fine, not great, but fine. Don't eat them without something to drink because they are a bit dry.

I would also point out that the chocolate is underwhelming. If you get these make sure you get them on the fresh side or you'll need a lot of milk to get through them. 

Me, I'm a big fat dude so I shouldn't eat them to start with. 

Friday, November 24, 2023

Costco Food Court Fruit Smoothie

 The Costco Food Court Fruit Smoothie is something cold that most people don't need right now, but I live in California. There is some real fruit in this, I could feel some of it in the last few sips. 

To be honest, it's not bad. I'm not a fruit smoothie fan but this is worth trying. I would get this again.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Banquet Turkey Meal

 Banquet Turkey Meal is something you eat when you want to pretend that your having thanksgiving dinner. It has all the elements save cranberry sauce. You can get these for a dollar at the local market by my house, and they have them by the truckload. 

I mean, they aren't good but aren't bad. If what you want is mashed potatoes and gravy these are fine, but the turkey is a bit lack luster. The stuffing is bland. 

I can see so many Americans eating this as they contemplate their lives and the epidemic of loneliness that plagues our country. Try to cry on the peas, it will make them taste better but the rest of it has enough salt. 

Anyway, these are okay, fine for a dinner at work if you work alone or eat alone at work. Not so much to be thankful for but, hey, your alive.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Aidells Chicken Meatballs Italian Style with Mozzarella Cheese

 If you're looking for a side dish for turkey day Aidells Chicken Meatballs Italian Style with Mozzarella Cheese may sound like a good idea. Before you buy them you should know they need to be pan cooked. They aren't great after being cooked, and the mozzarella does nothing for them. 

I can't say I hated these and I can't say that I loved them, but they didn't have enough flavor. I've had worse but I've had better. 

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Starbucks Snowman Cookie

 Starbucks Snowman Cookie is a soft frosted sugar cooky that is worthless for dipping. I mean, what the heck is this? This is a dipping kind of cookie and for the price I would have thought it would have gone better with hot chocolate. 

I would say these would be fine at a third the price and okay at a fourth, but what they want for them is just too much.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Werther's Original Soft Harvest Pumpkin Spice Caramel Candy

Werther's Original Soft Harvest Pumpkin Spice Caramel Candy are a mildly spiced candy that shows up this time of year. They are not as rich as some candy you get, but they are sweet. 

These are more candy for adults than they are for children which I think adds to their charm. These are a buy for me, or at least they would be if I were not as big as a house. Now, I'm wrapping them up to give to the homeless. 

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Kettle Brand Potato Krinkle Cut Chips Truffle Oil and Sea Salt

 Kettle Brand Potato Krinkle Cut Chips Truffle Oil and Sea Salt have a lot of flavor. Kettle makes a thicker chip than most that will hold a lot of hummus, but the chips have a lot of flavor to start with.

I wouldn't say it was great flavor. I mean, it wasn't bad but wasn't really good either. Maybe I don't like truffle oil. If you need chips and want to contemplate the market as you eat these are more complex than normal potato chips. You kind of lose that with dip I'm afraid. 


Saturday, November 18, 2023

McDonald's Mambo Sauce

 McDonald's Mambo Sauce is nasty. I don't know who thought this was a good idea but it isn't. Maybe it was bad because I let my nuggets get cold ... or because nuggets just aren't as good as they used to be.

Still, this is an impressive level of fail. The nuggets were better without the sauce. 

Friday, November 17, 2023

Pillsbury Grands Pumpkin Spice Rolls

 Pillsbury Grands Pumpkin Spice Rolls are limited Edition because no one would be dumb enough to buy them any time but fall. You need the rest of the year to forget that they are just cinnamon rolls with a different box. I didn't taste pumpkin spice which is more than cinnamon, and I didn't taste all that much cinnamon. 

Replace the cinnamon with allspice and I wouldn't have know the difference but these mostly just taste like sugar.  

They are also only good hot and not all that impressive when they are. These are a fail. 

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Food Craft Peppermint Sticks

Food Craft Peppermint Sticks look like something you would make a Gingerbread house with. They taste like your normal Christmas candy cane. I have to admit I don't eat those often because I'm fat and disgusting and there are better things to eat. 

These live up to expectations.