Thursday, November 30, 2023

Nonni's Gingerbread Biscotti

Nonni's Gingerbread Biscotti really could use more ginger. I mean, It was fine but there was a lack of ginger. I would expect gingerbread biscotti to have a snap to it and this wasn't all that snappy. 

If you're looking for the strong flavor of ginger this will disappoint but they are otherwise good.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

HMR Chicken Enchiladas with Tomatillo Sauce

 HMR Chicken Enchiladas with Tomatillo Sauce have no chicken. They are a sad semblance of enchilada as they have no chicken. The thing to do with these is to add chicken.  


Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Athenos Hummus Supremely Spicy

 Athenos Hummus Supremely Spicy is not so spicy. All the spice is in that red patch at the center, and you can control the spicy by getting as much red as you want on your chips. 

This is the kind of hummus that you really need to get used to, but if you don't like spicy you can really make it what you want. Then again, there is always that one dude at the party who will scoop the lot of the flavor out of the middle and eat the hole thing to prove that he is hard. 

Then he brags about it at every party he goes to for a few years, and we all hate him, and it's your fault for buying this hummus. 

Life is not fair.

Monday, November 27, 2023

Bom Bombs Hot Chocolate Bombs Milk Chocolate

 Bom Bombs Hot Chocolate Bombs Milk Chocolate is a flavor of hot chocolate bomb that really is odd. I mean, you put it in milk so if it wasn't milk chocolate already it is now. Its kind of like calling your pancake mix milk flavored.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Starbucks Hot Chocolate

 Starbucks Hot Chocolate is a hot but slightly bitter drink that looks nothing like I thought it would. All the pictures show more topping. 

Anyway, this was not worth it, because I could have made better hot chocolate at home. I would say that it gained some flavor as I drank but none of that flavor was good. 

I had this with some cookies, and a good hot coffee would have gone better and had more body to it.  

I almost never go to Starbucks, but the whole boycott I ran into online told me that it was worth giving it a shot. Ticking off terrorists is a good thing and they have a hard on for this coffee house. However, drinking this makes me think it's because they shopped there.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Albertsons Fresh Baked Chocolate Chip Muffins

 Albertsons Fresh Baked Chocolate Chip Muffins are another disappointment from the Albertsons bakery. They're fine, not great, but fine. Don't eat them without something to drink because they are a bit dry.

I would also point out that the chocolate is underwhelming. If you get these make sure you get them on the fresh side or you'll need a lot of milk to get through them. 

Me, I'm a big fat dude so I shouldn't eat them to start with. 

Friday, November 24, 2023

Costco Food Court Fruit Smoothie

 The Costco Food Court Fruit Smoothie is something cold that most people don't need right now, but I live in California. There is some real fruit in this, I could feel some of it in the last few sips. 

To be honest, it's not bad. I'm not a fruit smoothie fan but this is worth trying. I would get this again.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Banquet Turkey Meal

 Banquet Turkey Meal is something you eat when you want to pretend that your having thanksgiving dinner. It has all the elements save cranberry sauce. You can get these for a dollar at the local market by my house, and they have them by the truckload. 

I mean, they aren't good but aren't bad. If what you want is mashed potatoes and gravy these are fine, but the turkey is a bit lack luster. The stuffing is bland. 

I can see so many Americans eating this as they contemplate their lives and the epidemic of loneliness that plagues our country. Try to cry on the peas, it will make them taste better but the rest of it has enough salt. 

Anyway, these are okay, fine for a dinner at work if you work alone or eat alone at work. Not so much to be thankful for but, hey, your alive.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Aidells Chicken Meatballs Italian Style with Mozzarella Cheese

 If you're looking for a side dish for turkey day Aidells Chicken Meatballs Italian Style with Mozzarella Cheese may sound like a good idea. Before you buy them you should know they need to be pan cooked. They aren't great after being cooked, and the mozzarella does nothing for them. 

I can't say I hated these and I can't say that I loved them, but they didn't have enough flavor. I've had worse but I've had better. 

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Starbucks Snowman Cookie

 Starbucks Snowman Cookie is a soft frosted sugar cooky that is worthless for dipping. I mean, what the heck is this? This is a dipping kind of cookie and for the price I would have thought it would have gone better with hot chocolate. 

I would say these would be fine at a third the price and okay at a fourth, but what they want for them is just too much.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Werther's Original Soft Harvest Pumpkin Spice Caramel Candy

Werther's Original Soft Harvest Pumpkin Spice Caramel Candy are a mildly spiced candy that shows up this time of year. They are not as rich as some candy you get, but they are sweet. 

These are more candy for adults than they are for children which I think adds to their charm. These are a buy for me, or at least they would be if I were not as big as a house. Now, I'm wrapping them up to give to the homeless. 

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Kettle Brand Potato Krinkle Cut Chips Truffle Oil and Sea Salt

 Kettle Brand Potato Krinkle Cut Chips Truffle Oil and Sea Salt have a lot of flavor. Kettle makes a thicker chip than most that will hold a lot of hummus, but the chips have a lot of flavor to start with.

I wouldn't say it was great flavor. I mean, it wasn't bad but wasn't really good either. Maybe I don't like truffle oil. If you need chips and want to contemplate the market as you eat these are more complex than normal potato chips. You kind of lose that with dip I'm afraid. 


Saturday, November 18, 2023

McDonald's Mambo Sauce

 McDonald's Mambo Sauce is nasty. I don't know who thought this was a good idea but it isn't. Maybe it was bad because I let my nuggets get cold ... or because nuggets just aren't as good as they used to be.

Still, this is an impressive level of fail. The nuggets were better without the sauce. 

Friday, November 17, 2023

Pillsbury Grands Pumpkin Spice Rolls

 Pillsbury Grands Pumpkin Spice Rolls are limited Edition because no one would be dumb enough to buy them any time but fall. You need the rest of the year to forget that they are just cinnamon rolls with a different box. I didn't taste pumpkin spice which is more than cinnamon, and I didn't taste all that much cinnamon. 

Replace the cinnamon with allspice and I wouldn't have know the difference but these mostly just taste like sugar.  

They are also only good hot and not all that impressive when they are. These are a fail. 

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Food Craft Peppermint Sticks

Food Craft Peppermint Sticks look like something you would make a Gingerbread house with. They taste like your normal Christmas candy cane. I have to admit I don't eat those often because I'm fat and disgusting and there are better things to eat. 

These live up to expectations. 

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Giant Eagle Limited Edition Candy Cane Chocolate Sandwich Cookies

 Giant Eagle Limited Edition Candy Cane Chocolate Sandwich Cookies are basically candy cane Oreo Cookies. They are good candy cane Oreo Cookies that make me wish I had a friend to make a blended iced coffee with so that I could add these in at the end. 

So tasty, and I don't really like candy canes. In fact, I would never eat them were it not for this blog ... or if I were stuck somewhere and they were sitting around. I'm fat. 

 Anyway, if you can come across these they are just what you get on the label and that's a good thing.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

McDonald's Sweet and Spicy Jam

 McDonald's Sweet and Spicy Jam had the flavor of that odd smell you have in the company refrigerator after the boss orders Mexican catering for a company party. Who thought this was a good idea?

I mean, the food at McDonald's has been going down hill for years now and the goop they make those nuggets out of is getting used more and more sparingly. 

This is just sad.

Monday, November 13, 2023

Super Stack Cheddar Cheese Potato Crisps

 If you ever looked at a Pringle and thought "I'd like to get an upsetting amount of dip on this without it braking" then Super Stack Cheddar Cheese potato crisps are for you. 

These things are Cheddar Pringles on steroids being both tougher and more flavorful. If I were a Pringle I wouldn't want to run into one of these in a dark alley. 

Then again I think the lighter Pringle is still better.   

Sunday, November 12, 2023

HMR Chicken with Barbecue Sauce

 HMR Chicken with Barbecue Sauce should not be called chicken. I don't know what it is, but chicken is not what I would call it. It was edible, or almost, but I would never get this again.  

This was a crime against food. This should be used as a prop to show people what food will be like if we don't stop global warming!

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Subway Spicy Italian

 Subway Spicy Italian is something I've tried before but all that is old is supposed to be new at Subway. It's the same thing that it has always been. 

I've always been a cold cut combo man, but these are fine. You don't get as much meat with these as you do the cold cut combo. However, they have more flavor.

Friday, November 10, 2023

The Greek Gods Limited Batch Pumpkin Spice Yogurt

 The Greek Gods Limited Batch Pumpkin Spice Yogurt does not taste like pumpkin pie. I still found it worth eating with a good helping of Grape Nuts to give it some crunch. 

Anyway, save for failing the name sake this isn't that bad but isn't all that great in the other direction. 

I got this at a discount and I don't mind it at all but I wouldn't buy it again.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

HMR Creamy Mac & Cheese

 HMR Creamy Mac & Cheese is not great but not bad. I think this is the most non offensive meal you can get from HMR. I mean, Stuff falls under a level of tack it or leave it which is odd given how some Mac & Cheese is well loved. 

If I was staking a bunker or going on a long comping trip I would be fine taking this stuff with me. However, I would not get this for a friend.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Banquet Frozen Mega Meats Garlic Parmesan Boneless Chicken Strips

 Banquet Frozen Mega Meats Garlic Parmesan Boneless Chicken Strips should not be allowed to call itself meat of any kind. I know that stuff is made from chicken but meat is still a stretch. 

I added the peas.

Anyway, this is a sad flavorless meal that needs to have the suck nuked out of it to be edible. I can't taste the garlic, and I can see no Parmesan. 

If you're eating this you should think about your life because it is very sad.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Subway Cold Cut Combo

 It's been something in the way of eight year since I first reviewed a Subway Cold Cut Combo sandwich and that is because it has always been my go to sub. I developed a taste for them back in high school and have loved them ever since. 

With the new Subway revamped menu these look just as they did back in the day. I still could eat one of these every day for a month and never get tired of them. 

Monday, November 6, 2023

HMR Pasta Fagioli

 HMR Pasta  Fagioli tastes a little under done. Again, HMR food tends to come ready to eat needing no refrigeration so it's still a good thing to have in your bag but it is health food of some kind so it tends to be bland. 

This is good enough so that I wouldn't let it go bad, but not so that I would look forward to more. 

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Coffee Mate Pop-Tarts Toasted Brown Sugar Cinnamon Liquid Coffee Creamer

 Coffee Mate Pop-Tarts Toasted Brown Sugar Cinnamon Liquid Coffee Creamer is as much a disappointment as the thing they're flavored as. I honestly can't taste any cinnamon. 

It's sugar and cream for your coffee, but not much else and were as it is okay it is not great. 

Fail, but not an epic fail.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Bobo's Oat Bars Pumpkin Pie

 Bobo's Oat Bars Pumpkin Pie aren't very pumpkin pie. Past that the things aren't half bad. I ate these two and woke up the next morning to start my work with the third. They had so much fiber in them I had to run to the can. 

I think these would make great hiking food or energy bars for runners. Things really kept me in good spirits. I would never have thought of them a pumpkin pie flavored but they really put me in the mood to move. 

I would get these again.

Friday, November 3, 2023

The Tamale Café Tamale Combo Pack, Chicken & Jalapeno Cheese

 The Tamale Café Tamale Combo Pack, Chicken & Jalapeno Cheese are as close as packed tamales have come to being the real thing. They are just a little too small and have just a little too little filling. They do taste great and the Jalapeno is cut small enough so that you can eat it even if you're heat sensitive.  

If you can't get the real deal then these are worth a try. I like them but they could be just a little better.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Superior on Main Pumpkin Pies

Every now and then I used to indulge in chocolate pudding pies which are some of the worst things for you. Not a lot of companies make them so I almost never have new ones to try. 

These Superior on Main Pumpkin Pies are kind of like those only pumpkin pie. They are also very bad for you at nearly five hundred Calories each and they have a whole lot of stuff that I can't pronounce in them. 

They are, likely for this reason, delicious. I ate them before I read the label and now I'm depressed. Why is that which tastes good so bad for you?

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Martha Stewart Kitchen Goat Cheese Hors D'Oeuvres


When I found these Martha Stewart Kitchen Goat Cheese Hors D'Oeuvres in my freezer section I didn't think much of them but they were on sale so I got a few boxes. 

I liked them so much I ate them all long before writing this review. They were flaky and not too moist, I could eat them right off the oven plate. 

I'll admit that it is odd that the box is made for twelve and you only get ten, but these are really good. To be served with cider or white wine, these will be a hit at any holiday party and impress your more posh friends.  Or you can be a fat beast like me and eat them all yourself.