Sunday, February 28, 2016

Islands Fine Burgers Nachos

The thing about Nachos is that you can figure out if you like um just by looking at them. So have a good look and you tell me, would you eat this?

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Islands Fine Burgers Big Wave

Islands Fine Burgers 'Big Wave' is the first burger to be placed on the menu from what I understand and it's size is not impressive. I would have to guess that they didn't have that many big burgers around back when it was concocted, but I remember 
getting truly enormous burgers at 50's restaurants as a kid.

Well, it was a good burger and big by standards of modern day fast food which I believe calls normal the burger like things soled by that creepy clown.

I would get this again.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Islands Fine Burgers Kona Pie

I don't know what a Kona is but this didn't look much like pie. Well, Islands Fine Burgers isn't known for their desserts and having tried their Kona Pie I can see why.

This is not to say that it was bad. It was okay, but it wasn't good. I think if it had hot fudge to melt some of that over hard ice cream it would have been better, but I could tell this was sitting in the freezer for a spell.

I wouldn't get this again. 

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Subway Sandwiches Italian Bread

Subway Sandwiches 'Italian Bread' is white bread with a funny name. That's all it is, and I would think calling it Italian would tick folks off but who thinks about white bread? 

Back in my day we called it French bread before we started hating the French more than usual. I'm still not totally clear on what the French did other than think their wine is better than ours(they're wrong!) but I digress.

This is okay bread now that they stopped using food grade plastic and it's the least Calories out of all the Subway breads. So eat it if you like it, but it's no big thing.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

WaBa Grill 1. Chicken Steak Plate

At 820 Calories the WaBa Grill Chicken Steak Plate is a good deal more filling than your average burger and at least it has an orange and some greens.

I think if every one of us fat Americans went around eating this we'd be happier and thinner and I guarantee I'm going to get this again. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Kodiak Cakes

Kodiak Cakes are a protean infused pancake mix. Past that I think these are okay but they don't stand out. I mean, they were good, better with blueberries. They stick a bit when you cook them and I think they are better for you than other mixes.  


Heineken is okay beer. I get it for cooking my fish. It will take the fishy taste right out of it and make the fish taste fresh. Past that I feel it's on the bitter side but has a great head on the draft. 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Outback Steakhouse Wood-Fire Grilled Shrimp On the Barbie

Outback Steakhouse 'Wood-Fire Grilled Shrimp On the Barbie' looks nothing like the company provided image. It was okay but small and only something you can order for two people. I liked it, but I probably wouldn't order it again.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Outback Steakhouse Mushroom Chicken

Outback Steakhouse Mushroom Chicken was not on the online menu so what they call it may be different. This was small and needed more mushrooms.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Outback Steakhouse Broccoli & Cheese

Outback Steakhouse 'Broccoli & Cheese' is a premium side made in a halfhearted manner the broccoli was over done and the cheese poorly distributed. Not worth it.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Outback Steakhouse Triple-Layer Carrot Cake

'Outback Steakhouse Triple-Layer Carrot Cake' looks to be a layer short if you ask me. Wait, this is my blog so you sort of are asking me! Well then, it's a layer short.

After you get past the whole missing layer thing you have to figure that this was supposed to be a 'shareable dessert' making it small for that happening. 

In any case, this was okay. It didn't stand out for carrot cake but was good.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Magic Hat Wilhelm Scream

Magic Hat Wilhelm Scream is a pumpkin ale and if you like that kind of thing you're in luck because it's very much what it is and nothing more. I can't recommend this ale because every other Magic Hat I have had has been better.

That is not to say that this was bad, it was only a very good what it is in a list of things I generally don't care much for. If you like the taste of pumpkin, but not pumpkin spice, then this is your drink.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Mountain Dew Kick Start Fruit Punch

Mountain Dew Kick Start Fruit Punch is an attempt by Mountain Dew to get relevant in the energy drink market. When more potent homework fuel is out there the old Dew just can't keep it going.

So how does it stand up? Meh, it works okay. It tastes like punch but just lacks the kick of say Monster. I will grant that if your watching the calories this has less sugar, but it isn't very strong. 

Brach's Fruit Cremes Candy Corn

Brach's Fruit Cremes Candy Corn are a knock off real candy corn. I was never big on candy corn but after my brother insisted that I save him a packet of it last Halloween I got and itch and tried these. The colors all taste the same to me so these are a big let down. Stick to the real thing.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Panera Bread Valentine Cookie

Panera Bread has a cookie for every holiday. The same shortbread cookie with frosting for the most part, but I keep buying them so I can't say it isn't working. These don't travel so well so keep them out of a hot car but they are just like mitten cookies only heart shaped. 

Saturday, February 13, 2016

BJ's Hand Crafted Black Cherry Soda

BJ's Hand Crafted Black Cherry Soda is, well, it just kind of is. I didn't find it great, but it wasn't bad. I just have to say that it rather sat there being soda and not contributing much. Then again, what do you want out of soda?

Friday, February 12, 2016

BJ's Crispy Calamari

BJ's Crispy Calamari was a good deal less crispy than it was calamari. It really should have been called chewy calamari because that's what it was.

I wouldn't get this again and I love calamari. Then, if you like to chew it then go for it; that's just not my thing.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

BJ's Jeremiah Red Irish-Style Ale

BJ's Jeremiah Red Irish-Style Ale is a deep red beer with a slightly bitter Flavor fit for those who like to sip.

The smoothness comes from chocolate and the Bravo and Willamette hops are noted undertones.

Jeremiah Red is a complicated brew that will have three distinct taste levels. The first is mild and stinging, the second is where you find the bitterness, and the third is a longing aftertaste that stays in the mouth for some time.

I will say this is a heavy beer meant for winter or night time drinking rather than something one should have in the afternoon. 

Now, I have not tasted it fresh at BJ's because I don't drink and drive. I'm told the in store version is fresher. You tell me.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

BJ's Pepperoni Extreme

The BJ's Pepperoni Extreme is one of the best pizzas I've had at BJ's. Pepperoni may be the same old thing on pizza but BJ's takes it to the next level. All they do is cut it to be honest but that gets points for doing something others haven't gotten to yet. I'd have this again.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016


I am going to review the general idea of a Pizookie at this point not recalling which one this is. The idea is you take a freshly baked cookie and then dump ice cream on top. 

Novel I know, but the truth is that it works. It's a mess and you shouldn't try it at home, but it works.

Monday, February 8, 2016


Cauliflower has been around a long time. How long? Well, 6th century B.C. that makes it something like 26 hundred years. All that time folks have been eating this flavorless plant. What you probably don't know is that it's appeal is that it tastes like almost nothing making it superior among vegetables that back in the day were very bitter.  

I can't say I like the stuff, but I can tell you it's good for you and will taste like what you flavor it with. That makes this agreeable so eat up. You want to live a happy life don't you?

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Baileys' Espresso Creme

Baileys' Espresso Creme is a coffee cream liqueur. I know, I know, it says it in the title and this something a long time coming. 

To be honest I think this stuff is a great way to relax if you take it over coffee ice like I do.

It's hard to go wrong with Baileys' so if you like coffee have at it!

Jack Danieil's No. 1

Anyone who has read this Blog knows I'm a While Turkey man but good old Jack No. 7 is the number one whisky on the planet. This is not No.7 this is the original No.1 as brewed by jack himself.

I can see why they stopped making this stuff. This is a less refined whisky that will not leave you satisfied. It just doesn't hit the spot or have the clean flavor of other spirits.

To be clear, this was never meant to be drunk. It is a collectors addition designed to be displayed and so if you want whisky not for drinking then this is your bag.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

BJ's Baked Beignet

BJ's Baked Beignet was something. It wasn't a good something but it was a something. The strawberries were old, the bread was hard, and the whole thing tor itself down rather then be spooned away. I needed a knife to eat this dessert. 

Stick with the Pazookie.

Friday, February 5, 2016

BJ's Black and Bleu-House Burger

The BJ's Black and Bleu-House Burger, like most BJ's burgers, is something of a monster that devours clean shirts leaving the stained and greasy remnants on their owner's chest.

Is it a good burger, yes, but the tomato just get's mashed as you eat it and the burger will fall apart. Then again, maybe burgers aren't the thing to get at BJ's.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

BJ's Hand Crafted Cream Soda

Let me first say that I'm not big on cream soda. That said 'BJ's Hand Crafted Cream Soda' didn't have the strength of flavor it needed to make it memorable.

That is not to say that this was bad only that it was very whelming. I would not order this again but if I liked cream soda I may like this one. 

Still, I would stick to IBC and get myself a beer. Only I don't drink and drive so no beer for me at BJ's.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Redd's Apple Ale

I found Redd's Apple Ale to be a solid drinking ale good for both sipping and deep drafting but it lacked the strong head one would associate with ale. 

If you're looking for a cider I would say this is better than Smith and Forge. This stuff is a clean drink and worth trying.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Spam Oven Roasted Turkey

At some point I had to start thinking of earthquake supplies as I live in California. Spam is, if nothing else, long lasting and edible out of the can.

Hens my brother went to the store and got every type of Spam there was save for normal Spam and chorizo Spam.
Now, Oven Roasted Turkey Spam is still very much Spam, but it is the healthiest spam in the lot with the least sodium and most protein. 

How does it taste? Like Spam mostly, you can tell it's turkey but not by a great margin. I will say that if you eat Spam you should try this but if you don't eat canned foods then this is definitely not something you want to add to your diet.

For me, this is an earthquake supply and that means I need to buy, sore, and occasionally eat this to keep my stalk in date. I give it a buy for that reason.  

Monday, February 1, 2016

Mountain Dew DewShine

Mountain Dew DewShine is a citrus soda with real sugar and I have always been a fan of real sugar. I'd say that its a caffeinated version of Seven-Up. On the one hand, if your in for the long party tonight this stuff is what you want in a citrus soda. It will keep you bumpin' till the dawn. On the other, if you want a night cap give this a pass. 

All and all, I can't say it wowed me but I like it as well as I do any good citrus soda.